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Generative AI feature blocking attempts to sanitize/remove/censor explicit content from images

New Here ,
Jun 02, 2024 Jun 02, 2024

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Issue: Generative AI feature blocking attempts to sanitize/remove/censor explicit content from images
Photoshop version: Adobe Photoshop 25.4.0
OS: Windows 11 64-bit, Version: 10.0.22000.2538

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Adobe Photoshop.
2. Load an image containing explicit content that needs to be sanitized or censored (ie. covering explicit areas such as nudity with clothes/drapings/leaves)
3. Select area to be santized with lasso tool.
4. Select "Generative AI" option.
5. Attempt to use the generative AI feature to sanitize or remove explicit content from the image.

Expected result: The generative AI feature should process the image and successfully sanitize or remove explicit content, making the image suitable for appropriate viewing.

Actual result: The generative AI feature blocks the attempt to sanitize or remove explicit content from the image, indicating that such attempts are forbidden by the rules (False, the rules state that I should not attempt to CREATE, UPLOAD, or SHARE abusive, or illegal, or content that violates the rights of others, I'm attempting to REMOVE such content, I'm NOT creating it, it's already there and I want it GONE)

Recommendation: Review the blocking mechanism of the generative AI feature to differentiate between attempts to create explicit content and attempts to sanitize or remove explicit content to align with user intentions (ie. specific keywords such as sanitize/remove/censor). Drawing a parallel with the content censorship approach employed by platforms like 4kids TV, consider allowing users to utilize the generative AI feature for sanitization purposes without being blocked.


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