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i'm trying to create a plug-in that run an application located in the same directory of the plug-in file.
If i do
the application search the file in my home directory.
Is there a function in the SDK that say me wath is the path of Photoshop directory???
Thank you
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sSPPlugins->GetPluginFileSpecification(pluginRef, &outFileSpec) from SPPluginsSuite is probably what you are looking for
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hy thank you for your asnwer.
i do this things:
I take the Dissolve project.
Modify the "PluginMain" adding:
SPPluginsSuite* sSPPlugins;
// Use the Basic Suite as describe in the chapter of that name
// and to acquire the suite
SPErr error = sBasic->AcquireSuite( kSPPluginsSuite, kSPPluginsSuiteVersion, &sSPPlugins );
if ( error ) goto error;
sSPPlugins->GetPluginFileSpecification(pluginRef, &outFileSpec);
and including at the top
#include "SPPlugs.h"
#include "SPAdapts.h"
but i've many compilation error.
1) sBasic is not declarated in this scope
2) pluginRef was not declered in this scope.
What can i do? What is my pluginRef?
Thank you!
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I hope you can help me becouse this plug-in is very simple, it must execute a file in the same directory where the plugin is installed.
If i execute system("./"); the plugin search in my home directory (on windows and on MacOS).
i try to write:
SPPluginsSuite* sSPPlugins;
SPPluginRef fPluginRef = message->d.self;
SPPlatformFileSpecification filespec;
sSPPlugins->GetPluginFileSpecification(message->d.self, &fileSpec);
ai::FilePath path(platformFileSpec);
std::cout << path.GetFullPath().as_Platform() << std::endl;
but i have several errors.
Thank you
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What are the errors, specifically?
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An FSSpec is the best we can do? Please tell me there's a way that doesn't use deprecated types and supports 64-bit? (Sorry, that's more of a rhetorical question to Adobe than directed at you).
#if __LP64__
typedef struct SPPlatformFileSpecification { /* this handles unicode file names */
FSRef mReference;
} SPPlatformFileSpecification;
typedef struct SPPlatformFileSpecification { /* Various things are casting this to FSSpec, so make sure the layout matches */
/** The version number. */
FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum;
/** The unique identifier. */
SInt32 parID;
/** The file name string. */
StrFileName name;
} SPPlatformFileSpecification;
typedef struct SPPlatformFileSpecificationW { /* this handles unicode file names */
FSRef mReference;
} SPPlatformFileSpecificationW;
So I guess we only get modern types if we're 64 bits. I haven't touched an FSSpec in the last 8 years...
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Hi guys,
i solve this problem.
This is the solution
#ifdef __APPLE__
CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(mainBundle);
char path[PATH_MAX];
if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(resourcesURL, TRUE, (UInt8 *)path, PATH_MAX))
printf("Current Path: %s",path);
Thank you for your help!!!
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Ahh, I wondered about using NS/CFBundle, but wasn't sure.
If you're using Cocoa, that could pretty much be reduced to a single line:
#ifdef __APPLE__
const char *path = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] fileSystemRepresentation];
if (!path) {
printf("Current Path: %s",path);