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When I try to open my images in Ps I just get a green screen. No, I'm not editing green screen images. Yes I have updated, nothing to update. I've tried restarting the computer. Please tell me this is a glitch or a simple fix. I'm a photographer and I'm on a deadline, it's always the way when you're in a hurry 🙂 This annoys me, when every update seems to causes a new issue. Not happy, can someone please tell me how to fix it.
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Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences (Photoshop > Preferences > Performance > Graphic Processor Settings) and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?
Does zooming have any effect?
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i had the same issue and what you suggested fixed it. Thanks
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You could also try using GPU and turning off
Photoshop > Preferences > Technology Preview > Deactivate Native Canvas