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Hi there! I have a number of pet paw prints/baby hand prints that were made in clay. I feel like there should be a way to take a well lit photo of the clay print, and then use photoshop to change it into a hand print image instead. Has anyone tried this? If so, what filters/manipulations did you use? Here is an example of a print picture I'd be starting with....
and here is what I am trying to achieve as an end result....
<- this photo courtesy of [weblink removed by moderator]
Any advice or experience on this subject would be greatly appreciated!
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I think I figured out a good solution! Feel free to comment below if you think this was a good attempt or if you have ideas that may improve it...
How I did it:
1) Select and mask the outline of the imprint
2) Use spot healing/healing brush tools to fix any imperfections in the clay
3) Use the Invert adjustment
4) Use the curves adjustment with the set white point and set black point tools to tailor the shading of the print how you like
5) Use layer stylings to add a stroke/bevel/emboss/etc to get a more clear outline if needed