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Hi there... I have a script I can run that will save a PNG of the current visiable layers, and then increment the file name. I use this script inside actions to allow me ot save out files during edits.
This is my current script.
var saveFolder = new Folder( "d:\\PathTo\\SaveFolder" );
var saveExt = 'png';
var saveSufixStart = '_';
var saveSufixLength = 3;
// End of user options
var docName = decodeURI ( );
docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];
var saveName = docName[ 1 ]; // activeDocument name with out ext
var files = saveFolder.getFiles( saveName + '*.' + saveExt );// get an array of files matching doc name prefix
var saveNumber = files.length + 1;
//alert("New file number: " + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ));
var saveFile = new File( saveFolder + '/' + saveName + '_' + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ) + '.' + saveExt );
sfwPNG24( saveFile, 80 );
//activeDocument.saveAs( saveFile, jpgSaveOptions ,true ,Extension.LOWERCASE);
function zeroPad ( num, digit ) {
var tmp = num.toString();
while (tmp.length < digit) { tmp = "0" + tmp;}
return tmp;
function sfwPNG24( saveFile, quality ) {
var pngOpts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb;
pngOpts.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
pngOpts.PNG8 = false;
pngOpts.transparency = true;
pngOpts.interlaced = false;
pngOpts.quality = quality;
activeDocument.exportDocument( new File( saveFile ), ExportType.SAVEFORWEB ,pngOpts);
I had this made for me as I have zero understanding about scripting and programming.. I think the problem is the "ExportType.SAVEFORWEB"?
Basically if I have
I want it to stay that way... at the moment the script is outputting this...
How would I midify this script to retain the existing DPI and print size of a document?
Thank you for any help you may have.
@abUSER23 – OK, I managed to look at this earlier than expected, try this:
var saveFolder = new Folder( "d:\\PathTo\\SaveFolder" );
var saveExt = 'png';
var saveSufixStart = '_';
var saveSufixLength = 3;
// End of user options
var docName = decodeURI ( );
docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];
var saveName = docName[ 1 ]; // activeDocument name with out ext
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That is correct, the Save for Web code needs to be swapped out for a standard Save As code in order to retain the resolution metadata.
Just for the record, the PNG-pHYs specification does not use pixels per inch, it uses pixels per meter, so the saved resolution will be 31496 ppm, which Photoshop "translates" into a PPI value for display (314.96 cm x 2.54 cm [metric to inch] = 799.9984 ppi, rounded to 800 ppi).
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thank you... but I have no diea how to chaneg this... what would the correct code be for the behaviour I am looking for?
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I'll look at the code this evening if nobody has helped before then.
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thanks for your time.
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@abUSER23 – OK, I managed to look at this earlier than expected, try this:
var saveFolder = new Folder( "d:\\PathTo\\SaveFolder" );
var saveExt = 'png';
var saveSufixStart = '_';
var saveSufixLength = 3;
// End of user options
var docName = decodeURI ( );
docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];
var saveName = docName[ 1 ]; // activeDocument name with out ext
var files = saveFolder.getFiles( saveName + '*.' + saveExt );// get an array of files matching doc name prefix
var saveNumber = files.length + 1;
//alert("New file number: " + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ));
var saveFile = new File( saveFolder + '/' + saveName + '_' + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ) + '.' + saveExt );
saveAsPNG(saveFile, 9);
function zeroPad ( num, digit ) {
var tmp = num.toString();
while (tmp.length < digit) { tmp = "0" + tmp;}
return tmp;
function saveAsPNG(saveFile, quality) {
pngOpts = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngOpts.compression = quality; //0-9
pngOpts.interlaced = false;
activeDocument.saveAs(File(saveFile), pngOpts, true);
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@abUSER23 - So how did the updated script go?
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Sorry... for some reason I missed the notification email that there was a new reply.
I just tested the script and it apears to bne working as I hoped. Just saved a 800DPI image.. and the resulting png was the correct size,pixel count,dpi.... thanks man.
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You're welcome, notifications have been spotty for weeks, which is why I followed up.