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Hello, i am new to photoshop. I have experience in 3d design software but zero to photoshop.
I would like to create a Triangle , actually a non equilateral Hexagonal like the picture attached (ignore the cycle).
I would be thankful if someone could provide a link to tutorial or give me an advice.
Thank you
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For something like that you would want to use Photoshop vector tolls. Photoshop has some vector tools you can use. You may also find some custom shapes on the Web one may be like you want.
Others will tell you to use AI it is Adobe vector editor. I just do not want additional Adobe software. Photoshop is all I can handle.
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Thank you so much! thanks for your time.
As i wrote i do not need the cycle. In fusion 360 there are some tools that you set lines parallel, egual, vertical , etc between shapes. i wanted to know if there is a way to do it like that for accuracy
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I would recommend Illustrator for this but it can be done in Photoshop using Shapes.
Start by making a vertical and horizontal guides, and make sure Snap to Guides is set in the View menu. Choose the Polygon Shape tool, and in the Option Bar, set Sides to 3. Place the cursor over the intersection of the guides, and Shift+Drag upwards, to draw a solid triangle:
Making sure the Shape Layer is still active, drag out another triangle, only this time, pointing down, so that just the tips of the first triangle are showing, and choose Intersect Shape Areas in Path Operations in the options:
Then select Merge Shape Components to make a hexagon.
Set the Path Operations to Exclude Overlapping Shapes, and drag out another upward-pointing triangle, slightly larger than the first:
And Merge Shape Components..
Go back to Intersect Shape Areas, and drag out another downward-pointing triangle, so that the thickness of the short sides of the hexagon are the same as the long sides. I'm just eyeballing it here, but you could do it precisely if you had some extra guides set up at the beginning. You may want to zoom out and size the document window to show the surround:
And again, Merge Shape Components.
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