How can I achieve similar effect of posterization?
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Hi, dear community!
How can I achieve a similar effect as on this vinyl cover with a high-resolution photo?
Will appreciate any advice 🙂 simple posterisation is not what I look for I guess.
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Which image do you eant to edit thusly? Please post (a lowres-version of) it.
Clipping the subject may be unavoidable and then a combination of Adjustment Layers (possibly with additional masking for elements like the saxophone) might help.
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Thanks, @c.pfaffenbichler , your answer puts me in some direction 🙂
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If you have further questions please post a screenshot of what you have gotten so far (with the Layers Panel visible).
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If a simple Threshold or Posterizing Adjustment leaves a region with insufficient contrast/detail one can use a Curves Layer or a Smart Filter to locally adjust the area.
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I highly recommend this channel and his amazingly clear videos... maybe not tis one exactly but he has lots of great effects explained very clearly