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I want to create a frame by frame wobble effect for my image
so that i can animate it like this sphere
how can achieve that?
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Hi Danielo,
I found this article quite explanatory and helpful for achieving multiple animation effects in Photoshop: ​
Let us know if that helps in designing your animation.
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It looks like whatever application they created the shere SVG with expotred it in HTML XML format as a div and is animated by the Javascript.
<div class="animation-wrapper">
<div class="sphere-animation">
<svg class="sphere" viewBox="0 0 440 440" stroke="rgba(80,80,80,.35)">
<linearGradient id="sphereGradient" x1="5%" x2="5%" y1="0%" y2="15%">
<stop stop-color="#373734" offset="0%"/>
<stop stop-color="#242423" offset="50%"/>
<stop stop-color="#0D0D0C" offset="100%"/>
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<path d="M360.72 360.354c-35.879 35.88-75.254 54.677-87.946 41.985-12.692-12.692 6.105-52.067 41.985-87.947 35.879-35.879 75.254-54.676 87.946-41.984 12.692 12.692-6.105 52.067-41.984 87.946z"/>
<path d="M357.185 356.819c-44.91 44.91-94.376 68.258-110.485 52.149-16.11-16.11 7.238-65.575 52.149-110.485 44.91-44.91 94.376-68.259 110.485-52.15 16.11 16.11-7.239 65.576-52.149 110.486z"/>
<path d="M350.998 350.632c-53.21 53.209-111.579 81.107-130.373 62.313-18.794-18.793 9.105-77.163 62.314-130.372 53.209-53.21 111.579-81.108 130.373-62.314 18.794 18.794-9.105 77.164-62.314 130.373z"/>
<path d="M343.043 342.677c-59.8 59.799-125.292 91.26-146.283 70.268-20.99-20.99 10.47-86.483 70.269-146.282 59.799-59.8 125.292-91.26 146.283-70.269 20.99 20.99-10.47 86.484-70.27 146.283z"/>
<path d="M334.646 334.28c-65.169 65.169-136.697 99.3-159.762 76.235-23.065-23.066 11.066-94.593 76.235-159.762s136.697-99.3 159.762-76.235c23.065 23.065-11.066 94.593-76.235 159.762z"/>
<path d="M324.923 324.557c-69.806 69.806-146.38 106.411-171.031 81.76-24.652-24.652 11.953-101.226 81.759-171.032 69.806-69.806 146.38-106.411 171.031-81.76 24.652 24.653-11.953 101.226-81.759 171.032z"/>
<path d="M312.99 312.625c-73.222 73.223-153.555 111.609-179.428 85.736-25.872-25.872 12.514-106.205 85.737-179.428s153.556-111.609 179.429-85.737c25.872 25.873-12.514 106.205-85.737 179.429z"/>
<path d="M300.175 299.808c-75.909 75.909-159.11 115.778-185.837 89.052-26.726-26.727 13.143-109.929 89.051-185.837 75.908-75.908 159.11-115.778 185.837-89.051 26.726 26.726-13.143 109.928-89.051 185.836z"/>
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<path d="M173.337 172.971c-59.799 59.8-125.292 91.26-146.282 70.269-20.991-20.99 10.47-86.484 70.268-146.283 59.8-59.799 125.292-91.26 146.283-70.269 20.99 20.991-10.47 86.484-70.269 146.283z"/>
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<path d="M141.517 141.151c-44.91 44.91-94.376 68.259-110.485 52.15-16.11-16.11 7.239-65.576 52.15-110.486 44.91-44.91 94.375-68.258 110.485-52.15 16.109 16.11-7.24 65.576-52.15 110.486z"/>
<path d="M125.608 125.241c-35.88 35.88-75.255 54.677-87.947 41.985-12.692-12.692 6.105-52.067 41.985-87.947C115.525 43.4 154.9 24.603 167.592 37.295c12.692 12.692-6.105 52.067-41.984 87.946z"/>
<path d="M109.698 109.332c-24.408 24.407-51.12 37.268-59.663 28.726-8.542-8.543 4.319-35.255 28.727-59.662 24.407-24.408 51.12-37.27 59.662-28.727 8.543 8.543-4.319 35.255-28.726 59.663z"/>
function fitElementToParent(el, padding) {
var timeout = null;
function resize() {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
anime.set(el, {scale: 1});
var pad = padding || 0;
var parentEl = el.parentNode;
var elOffsetWidth = el.offsetWidth - pad;
var parentOffsetWidth = parentEl.offsetWidth;
var ratio = parentOffsetWidth / elOffsetWidth;
timeout = setTimeout(anime.set(el, {scale: ratio}), 10);
window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
var sphereAnimation = (function() {
var sphereEl = document.querySelector('.sphere-animation');
var spherePathEls = sphereEl.querySelectorAll('.sphere path');
var pathLength = spherePathEls.length;
var hasStarted = false;
var aimations = [];
var breathAnimation = anime({
begin: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
targets: spherePathEls,
stroke: {value: ['rgba(255,75,75,1)', 'rgba(80,80,80,.35)'], duration: 500},
translateX: [2, -4],
translateY: [2, -4],
easing: 'easeOutQuad',
autoplay: false
update: function(ins) {
aimations.forEach(function(animation, i) {
var percent = (1 - Math.sin((i * .35) + (.0022 * ins.currentTime))) / 2; * percent);
duration: Infinity,
autoplay: false
var introAnimation = anime.timeline({
autoplay: false
targets: spherePathEls,
strokeDashoffset: {
value: [anime.setDashoffset, 0],
duration: 3900,
easing: 'easeInOutCirc',
delay: anime.stagger(190, {direction: 'reverse'})
duration: 2000,
delay: anime.stagger(60, {direction: 'reverse'}),
easing: 'linear'
}, 0);
var shadowAnimation = anime({
targets: '#sphereGradient',
x1: '25%',
x2: '25%',
y1: '0%',
y2: '75%',
duration: 30000,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
autoplay: false
}, 0);
function init() {;;;
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If you are using PS for this, good old fashioned frame by frame animation - you have to do it by hand.
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You could try to skew and distort a basic shape as copies on multiple layers and then use the tween between frames, but it won't be as fluid as that example you provided. That would be better served in Adobe Animate or After Effects.