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Hi there,
Anyone know how to make the tools buttons menu on the left part of Photoshop desktop larger?
I'm using a 34" widescreen and the tools are really small.
I've tried going into photoshop preferences > ui scaling > 200%. Didn't work.
Scale ui to text. Didn't work.
Properties of the Photoshop application > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > Override high DPI scaling behaviour (ticked) > System (Enhanced). Didn't work.
Properties of the Photoshop application > Compatibility > Change settings for all users > Change high DPI settings > Override high DPI scaling behaviour > System Enhanced. Didn't work.
All other articles / help guides, are from pre 2019 and I don't hold much hope for them.
The Photoshop UI scales according to the Windows scaling factor. You're not supposed to do anything in Photoshop
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The Photoshop UI scales according to the Windows scaling factor. You're not supposed to do anything in Photoshop
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Perfect, thank you.
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so in order to be able to see text in photoshop, i have to make it huge in illustrator.
and it is so much fun chasing adobes problems