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How do change the default "Save As" from PSD to JPG?

Community Beginner ,
Apr 01, 2012 Apr 01, 2012

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I know a while back, Photoshop was offering to save my files as JPEGs as default.  But now it defaults to saving as a PSD file, and I am having some difficulty figuring out how to make it save as a JPG file instead.

OS: CS 5.1 Production Premium, Mac

Adobe Photoshop 5.1





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May 07, 2015 May 07, 2015

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That's because the JPEG format only supports 8 bits/channel.




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Explorer ,
May 07, 2015 May 07, 2015

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Yes, I know that.  The point is, if it's set to 16 bit then Photoshop will want to save it as a PSD.  Sorry I didn't make that part clear.




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Jun 05, 2015 Jun 05, 2015

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Just next time you gonna save it press CTRL+SHFT+S then press and hold ALT and while you hold it down choose the format you want and then save it...next time it will be done...The KEY to the whole case is the "ALT"




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 05, 2015 Jun 05, 2015

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im using a mac




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Explorer ,
Mar 27, 2016 Mar 27, 2016

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does not work(




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Jun 05, 2015 Jun 05, 2015

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Use CMD in CTRL...the other must be the same




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 05, 2015 Jun 05, 2015

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Oh ok, thank you!




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New Here ,
Jul 11, 2015 Jul 11, 2015

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This might help some people with this issue...

I discovered that if you drag & drop images into Photoshop to open them, it treats them as a new layer (i.e. 'Layer 0' instead of 'Background'). This means that Photoshop will try to save it as a .PSD file.

If you open images using the File -> Open method, they retain their single-layer properties and Photoshop will try to save them in their original file format.

Pretty quirky behaviour if you ask me but glad I found the solution in the end!




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 16, 2015 Aug 16, 2015

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None of the above helped me with a similar issue. At one time I needed a PDF, so I saved an image as a Photoshop PDF (not PSD) using Photoshop 2015. Since that time PDF is ALWAYS the default. I can drag files to open them, unlock the background, flatten them, select all and copy/past to a new document, convert them to 8 bit, hold my tongue in my left cheek, cross my fingers. The save default is always PDF.

This default applies to all document types I open, PSD, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG.....

I have done the save with a combination of keys. Command, Shift, Option, Command-Option, Command-Option-Shift, Command-shift, Option-Shift. Still have PDF as the default.

I am on a Mac with 10.10.5.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 16, 2015 Aug 16, 2015

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Here's a workaround:

When the Save As dialog opens, the filename is highlighted,

Press Tab, and the file type will be highlighted.

Press J, and Jpeg is selected

Press T, and Tiff is selected (that's on a 16 bit file, if it's 8 bit, press T twice, Targa comes up first)

For Pdf, Psd, Png you may have to press P several times.

This works on Windows, probably works on Mac, too.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 16, 2015 Aug 16, 2015

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I can change the file type. That is not the problem.

I want it to stick. On my system the default is ALWAYS PDF. In the past it would stay with the last type you used or default to PSD when you had layers.




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Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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So this is an old thread, but I was having the same issue as you spitzerr and couldn't figure why it keeps trying to save to PDF. After almost an hour I found the reason it was doing this was because the crop tool was set NOT to "Delete Cropped Pixels." There is a checkbox up top for this when you select the crop tool. I had unchecked that box because it allows you to crop images so that it appears cropped but you can go back to the original. It doesn't shows in the layers menu as being a second layer, but it is treated as a layered document. In the layers panel, after cropping, the background layer is renamed layer0 without any other layers shown. But it IS a layered image.

After simply checking "Delete Cropped Pixels", Photoshop CS6 now defaults back to JPG which is the original image format.

Hope this helps!

Update: I only read through page 1 of all the people claiming the OP didn't know what he was talking about. I can confirm more recent posts such as from juvy are correct and the actual solution.




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New Here ,
Aug 19, 2015 Aug 19, 2015

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I just about had a panic attack trying to figure this out.  I called Adobe and everything but they were no help.

This may not be anyone else's problem but ALL I had to do was check the "delete cropped pixels" box at the top of the window, as someone mentioned before.

That's it.




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May 08, 2016 May 08, 2016

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Community Expert ,
May 08, 2016 May 08, 2016

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So long as the document has no extras like layers, pixels outside the crop area, saved alpha channels, paths etc. then using the Save As and Ctrl / Cmd clicking on JPG or whatever your preferred format is, will make that the new default.  If it doesn't work for you, then your document has extras.

A fail proof way of setting the default format is to create a new RGB 8 bit  document, and immediately save as using the Ctrl click method.  Try it.  Try swapping between JPG and PNG for instance.  It really works.




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New Here ,
Sep 26, 2016 Sep 26, 2016

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I accidentally unchecked the Delete Cropped Pixels box at the top of the window. When it's unchecked, Photoshop creates a layer when the photo is cropped. That layer shows you what was cropped out of the image in the case you want to recrop the photo. Thanks for the tip.




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New Here ,
Sep 21, 2015 Sep 21, 2015

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Could not find a solution to this annoying problem either. What I did to make things a little easier:

- menu Edit/Keyboard shortcuts

- search for: Layer/Flatten image and assign a hotkey. I assigned CTRL-F (which was defaulted to 'Last Filter', which I hardly use)

Now when I want to save an opened JPG file as JPG again without the 'Save as' dialogue, I use CTRL-F, CTRL-S.




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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2015 Oct 15, 2015

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I found a helpful script on superuser.com:

How to select png format as default for save in Photoshop CS5 - Super User.

It is for changing the default Save-As to png, but can easily be adapted to Save-As a jpg.  Here's the script:

try {main(); } catch(e){}

function main(){

    activeDocument.saveAs(app.activeDocument.path, SaveDocumentType.JPG, false, Extension.LOWERCASE);


Note:  This script will automatically save the file in its original folder.  If you want it to save your file to a different folder, replace app.activeDocument.path with the specific path where you want to save to.

If you're like I was and hadn't ever created scripts for Photoshop before, here's what I learned and the steps I used (CS5):

  1. Copy the script above and paste it into a plain text editor.  (I used Notepad.)
  2. Save it as a .jsx file. 
    (In Notepad, for the Save as Type, select "All Files (*.*).  Then, for the filename, type in the filename you want to use with a .jsx extension.  I used "Save As Jpg.jsx")
  3. Move yourscriptname.jsx to the Scripts folder.
    (On my Windows 7 computer, this was C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Presets\Scripts)
  4. Open Photoshop  (If it's already open, close and reopen it.)
  5. Assign a shortcut key to this script:
    1. Go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Application Menus > File > Scripts > yoursriptname
    2. Press the keys you want to use for your shortcut.  (I used SHIFT+CTRL+S)
    3. Click Accept, then click Okay.
  6. Whenever you want to save a file as a jpg, just use your shortcut keys (SHIFT+CTRL+S)
    or, go to File > Scripts > yourscriptname.




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Participant ,
Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016

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My workaround is to use the File > Process Multiple Files. Leave everything unchecked except "Convert files to . . ."

If I need to rename each photo something specific, I process one at a time.

The only downside to this is your original will disappear -- including a .psd you've been working on, so make sure the original is saved first.




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Mentor ,
Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016

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Expanding on this question, is an option available in Photoshop to automatically save a PSD version when a jpg, png, etc. is saved? And when the jpg is opened, the layered PSD version is instead opened?

In Photoline it is optional to save a native PL version when a JPG is saved. So even if the default save format is changed to JPG or PNG, there is no chance of losing the original layered file. When the JPG is opened in Photoline, Photoline automatically detects that a PLD "sidecar" version is available, and opens that one instead. Edit the file, and save: the JPG is updated, as well as the PLD.

I found this simple option to be extremely useful. I tried searching for a similar option in Photohop, but I believe it is not possible? Well, I suppose we could create an action which saves a document both as a PSD and a JPG. But opening the JPG in Photoshop will still ignore the PSD version, correct?




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Explorer ,
Mar 27, 2016 Mar 27, 2016

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(first of all: sorry for my poore English)///

I spent half of a day to find possibility to quick save as Jpeg, and find out - it is not easy to do in old versions...

But in CC 2015  it is easy: file-export-qick export as jpeg.




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New Here ,
Apr 25, 2016 Apr 25, 2016

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The easy answer is when you hit Save As, where it says Format, change jpg to psd, or vice versa.  It will stay that way until you make a change in the future--i.e. always jpg or always psd (or tiff or whatever you choose from the drop down list).  I always save a psd file first, so that I have all the work I've done but with all the original pixels saved forever.  Then, I save that to a jpg file.  

Here is an interesting and very useful shortcut.  Let's say you want to save a lot of images to jpg. Rather than doing them one by one, first highlight all the images you want to convert (they can be in their original form or in psd).   Then, while you are open in Bridge, you go to Tools, Photoshop, and then Image Processor.   It will ask you where you want your new jpegs saved.   You can name a folder that you have already made, or you can say your desktop, or you can say in the same place.  If it saves them in the same place, there will be a new jpeg folder at the end of the folder you are working in, and it will contain the new jpegs.   Then you put in the quality (12 is best, 7 is good for emails), and hit Run.   It will save the whole batch one at a time in a few seconds.  




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Explorer ,
Apr 25, 2016 Apr 25, 2016

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file-export-qick export as jpeg. (only CC2015).

I did "hotkey" for it, noe it`s easy)




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New Here ,
Jul 27, 2016 Jul 27, 2016

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When this happens to me, it is because I have clicked on the quick mask mode.  As soon as it is unchecked, I can save normally.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Okay so I prefer to save as PNG (just my preference) But what i found to work (not 100% sure how) But if i hit cntrl+shift+S it defaults to PSD file (super annoying) However When i Hit cntrl+Alt+S It defaults to PNG. (no idea how i did this, maybe its because i save as png all the time and that command is for most used saved format) But i figured give cntrl+Alt+S (or w.e is equivalent on mac) a try.
One note tho: Every now and then it will try to save as a psd and i just cancel and hit the command again and it is png (maybe it will be jpeg for you). Really hope this helped




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