How do I acheieve this coloring effect on photos?
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How can I get this effect?
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Interesting effect. I'd be interested to know how this is done too.
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Maybe Highlight/Shadow adjustment?
Or maybe by using L*A*B* curves
Could be HDR toning also.
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You can see that the black point is very loose with there being almost no content below RGB 50,50,50
So starting with what Google thought a similar image
And using the Camera RAW filter (because it isa a one stop fix all)
Raised the black point all the way to the right
Moved Clarity part way to the let
Increased saturation and brightness for the blues
Moved De-Haze to the right (to add haze)
Boosted highlights and whites
You get this
Although I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to, but that's art for you.
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In addition to what's been discussed above, the original image has had Vibrance boosted way high. That's the reason for the surreal cyans taking over the image.
Other than that, yes, the shadows slider was certainly also opened up to 100%, and most likely Highlights to -100%, whic is reducing the overall contrast quite a bit and flattening the image somewhat.
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This adjustment is quite easy.
1-Curves layer taking shadows to about 50%. then apply that layer in Luminosity blending mode
2.) Add a Hue/Saturation layer and adjust saturation to get the desired ammount of oversaturation
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Thanks for the explanations. Very helpful.