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I would like to watermark a logo on a batch folder of photos, but the photos are different heights (but same width). If I use text in Photoshop it's not a problem, but if I use my logo the Action places it in different positions depending on the height of the photo. What I am looking for is a way to have the logo placed in a relative position to the bottom right corner of the photo. Say, 25px from the bottom and 0px from the right. I am unsure of how to achieve this relative placement.
There's a classic Russell Brown tutorial that might help you. It was created for Photoshop CS2, but the technique is applicable to later versions of Photoshop too.
Go to: , and scroll down till you see this:
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Christoph, that's a good solution. I'll add that nudging works but is not obligatory. The relative move resulting from dragging the logo after alignment to the bottom-right of the canvas will be recorded.
Place... logo
Select All (Cmd+A)
Move Tool (V)
Align right edges
Align bottom edges
Deselect (Cmd+D)
<move x, y>
Save (Cmd+S)
Alternatively, Free Transform (Cmd+T) can be used to offset the logo after bottom-right alignment and the relative movement will be recorded.
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In the long run it may pay off to look into Scripting for Watermarking.
But Actions may suffice and if the logo in question (mind posting a screenshot?) is hard-edged and does use only a limited number of colors it might be convenient to vectorize it and include the paths (»Insert Path«) in the Action – that way one would not need to keep an external image avilable and could transfer the Action more easily.
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Here is another way to do this. The language is in Portuguese but it's very easy to follow: