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How do I map smart object artwork onto irregular shapes?

Explorer ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

I have to render this pallet with artwork I've created for the packaging. Since this isn't a rectangual package, it's going to be a royal pain to try and use the warp tool to map the art onto each surface. Please tell me there is an easier way to do this and get the edges straight?

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Community Expert ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

If I was sensible, I would tell you to use Dimension or even the new 3D capabilities within Illustrator to map the art on surfaces. I know you're asking on a Photoshop forum, then I would say my best answer would be probably to use "vanishing point". It will still be a pain in the neck though, but less than trying to warp sharp angles...

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Explorer ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

Yeah, I had thought about doing in Illustrator but then I'd have to try and draw this whole pallet display, which would be a daunting task in itself. I've never used Dimension or vanishing point so I guess I've got my work cut out for me, ugh.

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Community Expert ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

Using dimension you'll have to "redraw" anyway, by this I mean use create 3D shapes that follow your originals. So not ideal if you want to keep your initial drawing. Ditto with illustrator as both will use 3D shape onto which you'll map the images.
I would still use vanishing point in Photoshop.
Is the artwork to be placed the same on all the cartons?
Because using something like two instances of the smart object, "cut in two" (one masked for the front and the other masked for the side, and maybe a third for the pointed top), perspective match using the perspective wrap function (edit>transform>perspective warp), applied as a transform in each of the two instances of the same smart object, will mean that you will be able to repeat this set of layers (I would group them for convenience) and just duplicate them over the whole linework. Any adjustment to the perspective will be done in a non-destructive manner as it's on a smart object.
If it's not the same artwork, you could still operate as above, but then change the artwork on the cartons concerned, but not before "convert to smart object" again (so that way it will not update the original ones, if that makes sense)
Rince and repeat for all 2 orientations you have in the PoS, and then masking the bits of clear cardboard, after having grouped the relevant stacks (you wouldn't want to mask them individually)

So basically, setting up once (painful), and just repeat and tweak after that.

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Explorer ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

I just tried to enable vanishing point but it doesn't work on a smart object, only rasterized, so that's not going to cut it since I need to be able to edit it all when the client makes one tiny change. Plus, I have 2 versions of art to do this to so everything has to be smart objects. Yes, same art on all boxes but 2 versions. I was thinking I could try to do the cut in two thing, but that's basically 2 surfaces for each box front. The sides of the box are just going to be greyed out. Not sure I know what the perspective wrap function is though?

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Community Expert ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

Just transform, but using perspective. It's more accurate than a regular free transform, but does the same job

Imaginerie_0-1680733073069.pngexpand image


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Community Expert ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

Sorry I kept saying "perspective warp" for no reason 🙂
It's just a perspective transform

Athough I giess perspective warp could work as well
Works on a smart object

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Explorer ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

Ok, yes, perspective transform. I tried that perspective warp function but it didn't work. Nothing happened. Maybe I wasn't doing it right, but it didn't seem to make sense to me.

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