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How do I stop the quick selection tool from jumping all over the place?

Community Beginner ,
Aug 06, 2016 Aug 06, 2016

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Hi all, as you can guess, I'm only new and are finding it hard to control the quick selection tool in photoshop cc. It seems to go in it's own direction. I use the alt key to remove parts but once again it goes off in a different direction. I am trying to go around the outside of a face but it's including half of the background as well.

Any help?






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Community Expert ,
Aug 07, 2016 Aug 07, 2016

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The Quick Selection tool makes selections based on tone and color. If the tones/colors are too close, it's going to leap beyond where you want it to go. Start by lowering the Tolerance value in the Options bar (up top): a lower value is less tolerant of a tone or color change, and keep the cursor completely inside the area you want to select—don't let the edge of the circle move outside, at all.

The Quick Selection Tool - Photoshop Selections

I want to add that while it's great for some situations, it doesn't work for everything. In addition to the basic selection tools (marquees, lasso, quick select and magic wand), you might want to explore Quick Mask (which uses painting tools), Select and Mask and some of the more advanced techniques like using channels and the pen tool.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 09, 2016 Aug 09, 2016

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I love the quick selection tool - it's my favorite! It also takes a bit to get used to it. Everything that Barb said and:

It's a brush - and the size of your brush also sets the tolerance. Bigger brush = looser selection. Use your bracket keys (next to the P) to make your brush bigger and smaller as needed. Don't let the edge of brush touch the stuff you are trying to not select. It expands on it own - as you are experiencing. Selecting the background is tricky - select the person, then you can always invert your selection after. Practice and patients...

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist





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