Copy link to clipboard
I'm running photoshop 2015.5.1 on a Mac El Capitan.
I have a png file I to which I want to add text. I select the text tool and a text layer is added. I then start typing at the cursor in the image and all I get are underline characters. When I change to the pointer tool the text that I have entered is now the name of the layer.
Copy link to clipboard
You are doing it correctly
Use the text tool to place your cursor
Go to the options bar and select the font, size and colour .
Type away - then click elsewhere on the layer or click the tick tool in the options bar to commit the text
What you have typed should appear on the image and in the layer panel
If it does not appear on the image - check the text colour in the options bar (white on white will not be visible) and check the layer blending mode is normal