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How to change person's face into down syndrome apperance?

Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

Hello everybody, please give me advice how to make person without handicap in down syndrome appearence? I need it as placard banner for protest for rise up foundation by govermant from public money from taxes for better education and care about that people. My son born with it so I want to change that system. This banner also included additional text "What if you born like that?"

Now about qestion. In picture A is politician which is responsible for financing a sorting public money. it is target image:

1280px-A_Babi%C5%A1_Praha_2015expand image


Here is inspiration poirtrait for that:






I don't know how to make in liquify mode fat neck as is in inspiretion and other parts of face - flat appearance. Here is my unsuccesful try:

andrej nenidown.jpgexpand image



Thank you for advices and help to find solution.



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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

I don't think you should create an image for your purposes in that way; it's a definate no no, You should use a "real" image, assuming that person has the capacity to give their permission. If you want to start campaign, work with professionals – it's a minefield, for example, you shouldn't use the term "Handicap", and your slogan is questionable IMO.

Community Expert , Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

What you're proposing is not satire or caricature it is using an altered image of a person to support a specific campaign. Last time I looked, the Czech Republic was part of the EU so EU law applies including GDPR. As to whether your use would be seen as falling under legitimate journalistic, informational, literary, artistic or research purposes, I am not a lawyer and could not advise.

Again, I wish you good luck with your campaign for funding, but I'm out of this discussion.


Community Expert ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

I don't think you should create an image for your purposes in that way; it's a definate no no, You should use a "real" image, assuming that person has the capacity to give their permission. If you want to start campaign, work with professionals – it's a minefield, for example, you shouldn't use the term "Handicap", and your slogan is questionable IMO.

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

In my country is satire and caricature joke pictures with politicians legal and don't need agreement of this political person. This image is from Wikipedia with https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ this licence is free to use with picture trasformation, sharing,... so creative common 0. I dont have money for proffesional ageture and marketing. I need it to do myself.

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

"Handicap" yes i know i am from Czech Republic. It is bad translation of that campaign. And also slogan. It is in czech language which is more respectful for local peopl and mentality, traditions of people here.

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Community Expert ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

You realise that to use a photograph in that way you need permission from both the photographer who took the image, and therefore owns the copyright, and  of the person in the photograph (known as model release).

I agree with Derek. What you are proposing is a no, no.


Good luck with your campaign for funding, but take the advice and don't enter that minefield.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

In my country is satire and caricature joke pictures with politicians legal and don't need agreement of this political person. This image is from Wikipedia with https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ this licence is free to use with picture trasformation, sharing,... so creative common 0.

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Community Expert ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

What you're proposing is not satire or caricature it is using an altered image of a person to support a specific campaign. Last time I looked, the Czech Republic was part of the EU so EU law applies including GDPR. As to whether your use would be seen as falling under legitimate journalistic, informational, literary, artistic or research purposes, I am not a lawyer and could not advise.

Again, I wish you good luck with your campaign for funding, but I'm out of this discussion.


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