How to create masks action/script?
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I'm a noob of actions and scripting for PS.
I'd like to automate two processes that I've called "Apply Masks" and "Regenerate Masks" in Ps CS6 and above.
The most important is "Apply Mask", it would be a timesaver for what I've to do.
Apply Masks
For each layer, if it has a mask, duplicate the layer (with the mask) near to the original (presumeably above?). To one version (aka the "duplicate") apply the mask. Then lock and hide the other version (aka the "source").
Regenerate Masks
If we have a "duplicate", delete it and unlock and show the respective "source".
How can I make that? What I've to study? Automations? Scripting? Both? I know nothing.
Thank you
I realized that actions weren't enough so I wrote a JS Script to iterate through all layers, but I gave up at the step of checking if the layer has a layer mask.
// Iterate through top level artLayers
function outputTopLevelArtLayers(layerNode) {
for (var i=0; i<layerNode.length; i++) {
alert("ArtLayer: "+layerNode[i].name);
// Check if it has a layer mask, then apply it
// ...
// Iterate through layerSets
function outputLayerSets(layerNode) {
for (var i=0; i<layerNode.length; i++) {
alert("LayerSet: "+layerNode[i].name);
for(var layerIndex=0; layerIndex < layerNode[i].artLayers.length; layerIndex++) {
var layer=layerNode[i].artLayers[layerIndex];
alert("ArtLayer: " +;
// Check if it has a layer mask, then apply it
// ...
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Hi check this video you will understand all....Regards
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Yes, using shortcuts (usually ALT+[ and ] ) to target the layers is the key, so that it ignores the layer names, and just targets the layer above or below.
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As has been mentioned, with actions you can indeed automate much of this for the Apply Masks requirement...
You could use a conditional action step to test if the current layer has a pixel mask and if it did the conditional action step would run another action that would duplicate the active layer, apply the mask, select the relative backwards layer hide and lock.
Then you could manually select the next layer and run the action again.
All of this is possible with actions.
That being said, to automatically do this to all layers if the layer count may vary, you would need a helper script to loop the action over all of the layers (or script the entire process where layer names would be better handled).
You would not need a script if all of the layers had a consistent count that the action would then work its way through in a linear fashion. You might be able to build the action with more steps than you think you require, then it would simply error and you would cancel the playback if there were no layers left to process... This may or may not work as expected, I have not tested.
I have not thought about the Regenerate Masks requirement.
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Thank you for the answer.
Yes, the number of layers can vary a lot.
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Stephen, don't you think this style of mini-scripts (iterate through layers) should be integrated in Ps, much like the conditional actions?
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Check the original post. Thank You.
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Filippo, what I was saying is that sort of code snippet should be built-in Ps, for "mere mortals" (non-scripters) like me...
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Conditional actions need to have more conditions, or the ability to add a variable wildcard value to extend them, similar to what I request here using XMP metadata as the wildcard entry:
However, to answer your loaded question – Yes!
There are many basic automation extensions that could be added to Photoshop. It is a tricky subject, some automation routines are obvious and generic. Others are very specific. I am thankful that we have the ability to script and extend Photoshop further than actions allow, however at the same time I wish that actions could do more and that scripting was not needed in so many cases.
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I had a wild guess, trying to create ping-pong actions, that linked to each other. I'm able to create them, if I disable the play step in the second one, but it will refuse to launch an already running action.
(I need to re-read Danny Rafael's mother of all actions tutorials where it must already be explained...)
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I tried your script code but it does not work for me.
I have tested the following with success in a limited testing model (however, I don't know your layer structure so it may not work the same):
You can download the action in the link below:
Then using a helper script to run the conditional action on all layers (if the condition is true, then the conditional action plays the action to apply layer masks):
var ActionName = "Apply Mask Conditional"; // Replace with your action name
var ActionSet = "Apply Mask"; // Replace with your action set name
if (!documents.length) {
alert('There are no documents open.', 'No Document');
} else {
function processArtLayers(obj) {
for (var i = obj.artLayers.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
activeDocument.activeLayer = obj.artLayers[i];
doAction(ActionName, ActionSet);
for (var i = obj.layerSets.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
Layers Before:
Layers After:
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Thanks You very much Stephen, great hints
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So how did the action set download and matching script code that I provided work out?