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How to Find a Programmer Willing to Write a Plugin for Pay

Community Beginner ,
May 31, 2009 May 31, 2009

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Have CS4 on XP.

Need to be able to find a programmer to write a simple plugin for me.

So far this thread has been quite unproductive in putting me in touch with someone who knows how to and wants to get paid to do some scripting for me.

The plugin takes the RGB color values from 2 "color picker" points...then goes into the adjustment layers curves function... and makes the 2 RGB values the same RGB number... using the R, G and B curve to do that.

I do the process manually very often and am looking for a way to automate that...actions is no help.



You can also PM me if you would like.





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Participant ,
May 31, 2009 May 31, 2009

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If you can describe the problem in a way that can be understood (= solved), then I would be happy to consider doing the work.

Unfortunately you did not answer my private email asking for clarification of the task.




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Community Beginner ,
May 31, 2009 May 31, 2009

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I have replied to you via offline e-mail.  Your e-mail to me was for some other posters question and not mine  Tony Freixa?

Still looking for a programmer... who can help me create a plugin/script... that would make the adjustment layers curve function...be able to match up 2 color picker RGB values stored in memory.  See more detailed explanation in the next post here.

This post is just a way to help make it clearer that im looking to hire a programmer. Its been two weeks from the original post and zero replies...maybe I need to search elsewhere.





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Community Beginner ,
May 31, 2009 May 31, 2009

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Here is a description.  Its a bit long because most people want details. I can get more specific and do a desktop video live on-line to help a programmer see and understand better.

Here is what I need.

I need to be able to produce a "Curves Adjustment Layer". that is created by the user picking 2 colors in the image.   Heres what I mean.  Its for color retouching.

I want to be able to pick two colors with the color sampler tool.  Click on a color and have it be point #1 on the info pallete just as it normally is... and then remember those RGB color numbers under color sampler tool point #1.....then... pick a second color with the color sampler tool... and then remember its rgb numbers too.  these two RGB color numbers might have to be places in memory.

Now here is the catch...we need to take the "center point of the rgb curves adjustment layer function"  and adjust the rgb numbers from sample point #2...to equal the RGB numbers from sample #1. This produces an "offset color"...the color I need to paint over point #2 so that it now becomes the same as color #1...my chosen color.

This is going to be used to be able to paint out color casts in an image with a perfect offset color...so that the second color... which is my problem color...now looks like color #1... which is my preferred color.  This is great for retouching.

I would be willing to work closely with a developer, I have the ability to do a special kind of video conference so that we can both see eachothers screens live real time, and audio talk about the concepts live, just like we were sitting in the same room together.  So we can collaborate very easily...and I can show you he steps I have to take manually to get this done.

If anyone could help...I might even be willing to pay someone to help develop this for me.

Im OK at photoshop and C+ but not this kind of programming.






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Participant ,
Jun 04, 2009 Jun 04, 2009

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