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How to handle center point error on coordination?

New Here ,
Jan 24, 2018 Jan 24, 2018

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Recording action:

1) At initial state, object is on (0,0) location referring on the top left corner.

2) Moving object to (200,225) location referring on the top center point.

Action recorded as shown below

Transform current layer

Center : side

Translate: 79.8 pixels, 225 pixels

3) Moving object back to (0,0) location referring on the top left corner.

Action recorded as shown below

Transform current layer

Center : corner

Translate: -79.8 pixels, -225 pixels (Error : coordination should be difference based on different reference point, but it comes out the same coordination)

3) Moving object back to (0,0) location referring on the top left corner.

The error occurs on the center reference from side to corner, which make object not able to moving back to initial coordination.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this coordination issue?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 24, 2018 Jan 24, 2018

When you record the action have you tried changing the transform anchor point to the top left Or select all and align the  layer to the selection?

Translate: -79.8 pixels, -225 pixels  is fine the x and y location is off canvas that is all.  A layer need not be positioned over the canvas part or all of the laver can be positioned outside the documents canvas area the - just indicates the ]direction from  0 0 left and up.

You may have problems creating the action you want to create because actions



Community Expert ,
Jan 24, 2018 Jan 24, 2018

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When you record the action have you tried changing the transform anchor point to the top left Or select all and align the  layer to the selection?

Translate: -79.8 pixels, -225 pixels  is fine the x and y location is off canvas that is all.  A layer need not be positioned over the canvas part or all of the laver can be positioned outside the documents canvas area the - just indicates the ]direction from  0 0 left and up.

You may have problems creating the action you want to create because actions can not use logic to handle sizes.  If every document has the same size and same layer sizes an action would work.   When documents have different sizes and layers the are different in size actions get hare to create.   Action record some steps based on the current ruler setting.  So a step may be relative to current  document size Percent.    Relative to the documents resolution DPI  the number of pixels pet unit like inches  or cm etc. Or absolute pixel number.   Different sizes can be very difficult to deal with in actions  scripting Photoshop can handle sizes well.






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