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Hi, I have a .jsx file that does some scripting with photoshop. I would like to be able to call that script from the command line and pass some arguments. I have been going off of the forum at, mainly the last post. Here it is ...
command line example : runjavascript.vbs c:\mydirectory\test.jsx arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3
=====start runjavascript.vbs ===============
Set vbsArguments = WScript.Arguments
If vbsArguments.Length = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Argument(0) is `your script to execute"
WScript.Echo "Arguments(0+n) are passed to your script as argument(0) to argument(n-1)"
ReDim jsxArguments(vbsArguments.length-2)
for i = 1 to vbsArguments.length - 1
jsxArguments(i-1) = vbsArguments(i)
Set photoshop = CreateObject( "Photoshop.Application" )
'DoJavaScript has 3 parameters
' syntax DoJavaScript(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]]
'arg[0] == javascript file to execute, full pathname
'arg[1] == an array of arguments to past to the javascript
'arg[2] == AiJavaScriptExecutionMode: aiNeverShowDebugger = 1,, aiDebuggerOnError = 2 aiBeforeRunning = 3
' only use 1
Call photoshop.DoJavaScriptFile( vbsArguments(0), jsxArguments, 1)
End IF
=====end runjavascript.vbs ===============
=======start test.jsx ====================
#target photoshop
for( n = 0 ; n < arguments.length; n++ ){
alert("argument("+ n+")= " + arguments
=======end test.jsx ====================
In summary, it calls a VBScript from the command line and passing args to the VBScript where it will run the .jsx and pass along the args to the .jsx. This is all seems to work, except that the args never make it from the command line into the .jsx and I'm having trouble narrowing down why.
I know the args are getting into the VBScript from the command line because I can successfully print them out using WScript.Echo. The VBScript then takes the args and makes a new array called jsxArguments which just holds the arguments that are to be passed on to the .jsx as the second argument in the DoJavaScriptFile().
I cannot tell if the jsxArguments is correct or not. I added an isobject(jsxArguments) check in the VBScript which fails, but if I do a WScript.Echo jsxArguments(0) it will correctly print out the contents of the array at that position.
I know that the args are not getting into the .jsx because I added a line alert(arguments.length) which prints out 0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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I don't use VBS so this is just a guess based on what I have read in this forum. I think when you are passing an 'array' to javascript it needs to be a variant data type. My guess your arguments are not making it to the javascript because it it the wrong data type.
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Good idea. So how do I make it the right data type?