How to Replace image Photoshop
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I created a flyer though photoshop with more than 20 tiny images. Now I want to change all those images with the same layout. I tried "replace content" in each image layer, but it didn't work as the new images replaced were either over size or under size, or just part of the image area was placed. May I know how to replace the old images to new images which can fit exactly into the original position and frame ? I am tried to adjust each image size again.....
Thanks a million!
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If you used the Place Linked command vs the Place Embedded command from the file menu, then you simply need to replace the old images with the same filenames for your new images.
Photoshop will relink them for you.
Richard Curtis' blog on the subject may be helpful.
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One way is to edit Smat Object layer then to place image which you want for substitution. If you have turned on scaling during place Photoshop will fit image into canvas, you may need to adjust image and to confirm. Later merge layers or simply close with Save. This process can be automated using Photoshop action.
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How to turn on scaling? I searched a lot, can't find it. Searched for 4 hours. Thanks in advance!!
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From Preferences > General > Resize Image During Place.
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Replacement image need to be the same size as the original object in your mockup template if you use replace content. Same Aspect Ratio. Number of pixels and Print resolution. However, you can Edit the replacement images into the existing object. If the replacement images have the same Aspect ratio as the original the replacement will be perfect. If the aspect ratio differs there will be some cropping or boarders in the replaced images. If you structure your mock to adhere to my simple to populate design and have your image replacement collection in 20 sub folders named for each Smart object layer My batch mockup script should be able to do the job.
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I had the same issue. I ended up embedding the replacement images and then clipping them to the image I wanted to replace. I know this probably isn't the best way to do it technically, but it works and it's the easiest way I could think of. To do this:
- Select File > Place Embedded
- Select the new image you'd like to use.
- Position the new image layer directly above the layer of the image you would like to replace.
- Right click on the new image layer and click "Create Clipping Mask" (or Ctrl+Alt click)
- Your new image should now be clipped to the size of the old image and you can tranform accordingly.
Hope this helps somebody!
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You can manually replace the a smart layer content many ways. If the replacement object is the same size aspect ratio and print resolution you can use layer>smart objects>Replaces content.... If the replacement object is not the correct size you may be able to open the smart object and edit in the replacement content. Or use Replace content and then adjust the replace object to work as it if had the correct size. The problem is automating the replacement Process. All smart object are not equal. Some are Raw files objects other are vector file objects most are Photoshop supported image files objects. However RAW and Vector files are not supported by Photoshop so a Photoshop Script can not open those object for the script would lose control to ACR or Illustrator would take over. If the Script uses Replace Content instead opening the object it has no knowledge what size the object replacement should be so it can not use any size replacement file the replacement object must be the correct size aspect ratio and resolution for the replacement to work correctly. My mockup scripts edits option does support Mockup templates that contain Smart Object layer that contain RAW and Vector that need replacement. Those mockkup templates can only be update using replace content the user has to supply replacements that are the correct size. I suggest creating mockup templates that do not contain smart object files the are Raw, Vector, Jpg a Png. There is no problem using those type object if you populate the mockups manually you can see what happens ad adjust to correct. My Script hande jpg and png objects quite well. Jpeg cust added some completely, and I try to maintain Png images transparent boarders from being trimed off.
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No offense, but when building a flyer or pamphlet... you should have used InDesign.
The thing is. Once you lay things out in InDesign you can select the items and change images one by one without messing up your layout.
Also, there are more options in InDesign to make your layout crisper.
You gotta use the appropriate tools to create things. Trust me.... at one point in my life I thought I should do everything in Photoshop. Then I learned.... Logos need to be created in Illustrator and layouts in InDesign. It was like pulling my teeth to get me on that track. But once I did learn what each tool should be used for... wow my life became so much easier when it came to creation.
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I think one should use the appropriate tool to get the job dine right. Photoshop may not bet the best tool for creating flyer and pamphlets and if you use InDesigm you will also most likely user Photoshop to edit image used in a pamphlets.
I only use one abode complex application Photoshop though Adobe give me access to all of the creative cloud. I do not want to learn all their application.
I feel Photoshop is an excellent application for layouts like collages and mockup templates. I think you you will find many the agree with me. There are countless Photoshop PSD and PSDT template on the Web and in Adobe marketing and stock. Photoshop has not problem replacing images resizing then positioning the warping them shaping them editing them. When it come to images Photoshop I believe would be a must have tool the appropriate tool. At some point in time I think an InDesign flyer may even be turned into a Photoshop Template.
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No offence, but that’s just not true.
Firstly a person uses whatever tools they have available or feel comfortable using. Adobe or not.
Secondly, as a professional who has worked in visual communication for almost thirty years, since before InDesign was even born, I would not use InDesign for anything other than a document that needed pagination. Illustrator is more than capable of providing files suitable for press or even simple folded pamphlets. Sure, if you want to start doing publications with many pages yes, use InDesign, but for a poster or flyer? No way, it’s too clunky and unresponsive to use in any meaningful creative way. Even when I’m designing a paginated document, I won’t solve my layout or design problems with InDesign. Initially, I will use pen and paper or create rough layouts in Illustrator. When I’m happy the problems are solved, only then will I bother to start building the final documents within InDesign. It’s after design problems are solved that InDesign’s advantages lay. It is the app that puts the flesh on the bones. The technical aspects are second to none, but for getting ideas down on the screen or throwing things around and getting into the nitty gritty of graphic design such as testing or versioning, InDesign is weak, it’s robotic and overly complicated.
If anything it will kill your creative flow.
That said, if you work that way good luck to you. But I can’t think of any of my contemporaries who would use InDesign to actually design with.
Lastly, I would recommend a pen and a piece of paper for solving all design problems.
What’s more, you need a good idea, because all the Adobe software in the world won’t make your mediocre idea into a great one. My grandmother had a saying ‘You can’t polish a turd’.
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If the image has its own layer and you did resize manually each layer to fit, you can right click on the layer and select replace the images, and photoshop should resize the new images to the layer size. That's working nicely in beta 2024, the images are adapted to fit in the layer size.