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I've been hearing about this new Generative Fill thing and am interested in at least taking a look at it. I launched Photoshop for the first time in a while recently (directly from Lightroom by right-clicking on an image and selection edit in Photoshop) and a message briefly came up about it but disappeared as soon as the image loaded! Now, though, even that brief message no longer appears. Bottom line: how do I actually install this function? I've seen some content about it online, but it seems to prompt me to actually install Photoshop itself as opposed to just Generative Fill. Can I not just add it to the copy of Photoshop I already have? Hope that makes sense. Thank you.
Hi @Jordan26437343lemp Generative Fill is only available in the Photoshop Beta. You can download it from your Creative Cloud desktop app here:
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Hi @Jordan26437343lemp Generative Fill is only available in the Photoshop Beta. You can download it from your Creative Cloud desktop app here:
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Kevin, okay thanks. But so basically the answer is "no," I can't just add it to the copy of Photoshop I already have -- I have to download some kind of Beta version?
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Correct. It cannot be added to the current stable version of Photoshop.
It's a new feature currently only available in the next gen public beta version of Photoshop. The beta can be downloaded from the Beta apps tab in your Cloud desktop app.
The beta is OK for testing and exploring new features but don't use it as a production version in your normal workflow just in case of bugs or unexpected behavior..
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Got it, thanks. Not totally enthusiastic about the prospect of working with a whole new Photoshop (I find the original challenging enough, as opposed to Lightroom which I find very intuitive), but I guess it can't hurt to try. It DOES sound like a compelling feature!
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Okay, just one quick follow-up question about this I feel I have to ask. Now I see that it's only a free trial. So, if I want to continue using it, that also means that I also need two separate Adobe subscriptions -- one to the "regular" Photoshop/Lightroom bundle and then a second one for this Beta version? Might that ever change? As in, might Generative Fill eventually be incorporated into the standard Photoshop itself? Thanks again.
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Hi @Jordan26437343lemp no - you only need one subscription and the beta is included. You should be able to download from the Creative Cloud app (see the image I posted above).
Once the AI features are approved they will come out in the general Photoshop release.
The beta is just for testing the features before they are included which is why it is a separate app (not a separate cost/subscription).
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Okay, good to know! That obviously makes me feel better about it again. I hope to start over the weekend. Thanks.