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How to use "split 2 layers" photoshop script for extracting numbers from graph photos?

Explorer ,
Feb 28, 2023 Feb 28, 2023

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Hi, i found this photoshop script in github for split all selection objects to specific layers: 

I receive 500 to 1000 graph photos daily from the company I work for, and I need to remove all components of the photos except the numerical values. 

This is a sample of graph photos I receive daily: 


I used "Split 2 Layers" scirpt to divide photo components into separate layers: 


Now i have some problems: 
1) How can I automatically select and delete the layers in the two left columns? In fact, only layers of numbers remain. By automatic, I mean in a way that can be defined for Photoshop's action feature 

2) There are many selections and for this reason time to convert every selection is high for my work. If we consider the time of each conversion plus removing the extra layers, it will be about 2 or 3 hours! - I have to reduce the number of selections. For example, instead of selecting individual numbers of an eight-digit number, I have to select a whole number. To connect the selection of individual numbers to each other, I have to use expand, but the problem is that the numbers may have an inappropriate distance from each other and need to expand too much, which causes the selection of numbers to merge with the selection of logos. 


In fact, for the overall selection of an eight-digit number, I need to expand it with a certain amount, but this will cause the eight-digit number selection to merge with the logo selection. 

3) Is it possible to change only the selection of the two left columns to the layer by changing the script codes? 



1) I am not allowed to use OCR tool under any circumstances and I must deliver it to my company in the form of a photo (Please don't ask about this because I don't have time to explain

2) I don't know where the company got these photos from and why it wants me to do such a thing 


Sorry if there are any spelling errors in the text because my English is very poor. I wrote this text with the help of Google Translate. 

If possible, please delete the previous post that is similar to this post from inside the forum 

Actions and scripting , Windows






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