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I can't figure out why Photoshop won't let me make a clipping mask?

New Here ,
Dec 08, 2020 Dec 08, 2020

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So I'm not quite sure how I'm getting making a clipping mask incorrectly. I have tried:

1. Making a new layer for the clipping mask, putting it above the layer I want to clip it to, and then pressing the alt button while hovering my mouse over the layer line. Nothing happens. (It think this is called a keyboard shortcut?) This is the method the tutorial I'm trying to follow uses, I'll attach a photo incase I'm interpreting it wrong and you want to see it.tumblr_ogpdi66U2r1vsx592o3_1280.jpg

2. Trying to find the 'Create Clipping Mask' button I've seen in tutorials which is a circle inside of a square. I don't seem to have one (I have attached a picture). Instead I have two overlapping squares that say 'Make/Release Clipping Mask'. I figured this would do the same thing, but when I click on the layer I want to be the clipping mask and then go to click the button it's greyed out. It's only available when I click on layers that have things on them, and of course I don't want to make it into a clipping mask.

3. Clicking Windows > Layers to see if there was a second way to control layers than the side panel. 

4. Ctrl + 7


Image of my screen for reference: 

Screenshot (236).png




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Community Expert ,
Dec 08, 2020 Dec 08, 2020

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Your screenshots are from Photoshop AND Illustrator.

But the title says: Photoshop

[ moved from Illustrator to Photoshop forum ]





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Community Expert ,
Dec 08, 2020 Dec 08, 2020

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Be sure that you really work with Photoshop - and not with Illustrator!


You are right.

In older Photoshop versions (pre CC ???) the clipping mask had two circles as an icon. But now it is a square with an arrow.

@Placeholder_20  wrote:

… Making a new layer for the clipping mask, putting it above the layer I want to clip it to, and then pressing the alt button while hovering my mouse over the layer line. Nothing happens …


  • Should be: … putting it below the layer you want …
    Then "pressing the alt button while hovering my mouse over the layer line" works as expected.



@Placeholder_20  wrote:

… Trying to find the 'Create Clipping Mask' button I've seen in tutorials which is a circle inside of a square. …


  • This is another kind of a mask - a Layer Mask (not a Clipping Mask)



@Placeholder_20  wrote:

… pressing the alt button while hovering my mouse over the layer line. Nothing happens. (It think this is called a keyboard shortcut?) …


  • The keyboard shortcut for creating a Clipping Mask in Photoshop is [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[G]

    (Only the layer above the "clipping layer" should be active in Layers Panel while using this shortcut!)








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