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I want to make an automated script in jsx that reads my psd file in photoshop and saves the visible layers as jpeg in a output folder that i can choose when starting the process.
I've been waiting for your reply, however, I'll post what I created a couple of days ago when you first posted:
Save All Visible Top-level Layers as JPEG.jsx
v1.0 - 14th June 2024, Stephen Marsh
#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length) {
(function () {
// Select the output folder
var outputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("S
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I want to make an automated script in jsx
By @Prithvi Singh38041280pksf
So what's the problem? Where are you stuck?
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I've been waiting for your reply, however, I'll post what I created a couple of days ago when you first posted:
Save All Visible Top-level Layers as JPEG.jsx
v1.0 - 14th June 2024, Stephen Marsh
#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length) {
(function () {
// Select the output folder
var outputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder to save the visible layers as JPEG files to:");
if (outputFolder === null) {
alert('Script cancelled!');
// Set the doc and layer variables
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var docName =\.[^\.]+$/, ''); // Remove the extension
var theLayers = doc.layers; // or artLayers to exclude layerSets
var theLayerStates = []; // Set an empty array to hold the original visibility states of the layers
// Set the counter
var counter = 0;
// Hide the Photoshop panels
// Store the original visibility states and hide all layers
for (var i = 0; i < theLayers.length; i++) {
theLayerStates[i] = theLayers[i].visible;
theLayers[i].visible = false;
// Loop through all the root/top-level layers
for (var j = 0; j < theLayers.length; j++) {
var theLayer = theLayers[j];
// Check if the layer was originally visible
if (theLayerStates[j]) {
// Make only the current layer visible
theLayer.visible = true;
// Duplicate the document
var tempDoc = doc.duplicate();
// Ensure that the file conforms to JPEG spec
tempDoc.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT;
// Remove unnecessary metadata - //comment out if needed
// Save as JPEG 10 using the doc name and sanitised layer name
var layerName =\.[^\.]+$/, '').replace(/[:\/\\*\?\"\<\>\|\\\r\\\n.]/g, "");
var jpegFile = new File(outputFolder + "/" + docName + "_" + layerName + ".jpg");
var jpegOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpegOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpegOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpegOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpegOptions.quality = 10;
tempDoc.saveAs(jpegFile, jpegOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
//alert("Layer name: '" + layerName + "' saved!");
// Close the temporary document without saving
// Hide the layer again
theLayer.visible = false;
// Increment the counter
// Restore the original visibility states
for (var k = 0; k < theLayers.length; k++) {
theLayers[k].visible = theLayerStates[k];
// End of script notification
alert('Script completed!' + '\r' + counter + ' visible top-level layers saved as JPEG files to:' + '\r' + outputFolder);
// Restore the Photoshop panels
// Functions
function removeXMPmetadata() {
if (!documents.length) return;
if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript === undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
var xmp = new XMPMeta(activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData);
XMPUtils.removeProperties(xmp, "", "", XMPConst.REMOVE_ALL_PROPERTIES);
app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData = xmp.serialize();
function removeCRSmetadata() {
if (!documents.length) return;
if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript === undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
var xmp = new XMPMeta(app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData);
XMPUtils.removeProperties(xmp, XMPConst.NS_CAMERA_RAW, "", XMPConst.REMOVE_ALL_PROPERTIES);
app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData = xmp.serialize();
function removeDocumentAncestorsMetadata() {
if (!documents.length) return;
whatApp = String(; //String version of the app name
if ("Photoshop") > 0) { //Check for photoshop specifically, or this will cause errors
if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript === undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
var xmp = new XMPMeta(activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData);
// Begone foul Document Ancestors!
xmp.deleteProperty(XMPConst.NS_PHOTOSHOP, "DocumentAncestors");
app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData = xmp.serialize();
} else {
alert('A document must be open to run this script!');
I presumed that you wanted each separate visible layer as a separate file, however, you might have meant something else.
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omg thankyou soo much for this, we had a problem in our code with the parser not being able to correctly read data into the json format but we managed to fix that. However i have another issue that is to recreate the psd back from this json file.
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@Prithvi Singh38041280pksf , please provide a sample file or at the very least meaningful screenshots (including the pertinent Panels) of the layered image and an overview of the resulting files you want the Script to create.
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there wasn't much to that,i just wanted to be able to export all the layers of a psd into png, we managed to do it in python but had issues with jsx since javascript is not our forte.