Icons In Photoshop CC 2017
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Is it possible to create icons in Photoshop for use on my files (for help in identification?
Thank you.
Carol Varveris
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Hi Carol,
Please take a look at this article https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-an-icon-set-using-adobe-photoshop--cms-22761 and let us know if that helps.
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Thank you Akash Sharma. Yes - I already looked at that before I sent my question. Unfortunately I'm not able to follow that because I hand drew the image I want to use as an icon, and the one from tutsplus shows all about creating a shape, etc. I drew what I want to use, scaled it down, saved it as a png on a transparent background and now I just want to use it as a folder icon.
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This tutorial is useless. It doesn't show how to save an image as an icon; it shows how to draw one.
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You would need to install some plug-in to be able to save .ico file types then change the system default icon for file type icons or replace your system file type default icons. These may be in system library files. What OS do you use....
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My operating system is Window 10 Pro. I looked at the screen shot you attached and no "OSDisk (C:) appears anywhere in my system, I also looked all around in C for plug ins folders, for systems folers, etc., etc but cannot find anything has or includes icon or icons etc. in the name.
I really need help. Could it be so difficult?
Thanks for your response
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C: should be you boot disk I just search it for .ico files. On a Windows systems it not something you want to mess with. What icon shows for a file type is set in your Windows system registry. You can change what icon will be displayed for a files shortcut with ease however for file types themselves its not easy the settings in the Windows register not in one place. The icon may be in an .ico files or in a windows .dll library that contains many icons.
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Thank you JJMack for trying to assist me. I wish I would computer savvy - unfortunately, I'm not. So, a few things about your response I am not grasping.
You say: "C: should be you boot disk I just search it for .ico files."
I don't know what a boot disk is and don't know if I'm supposed to be looking for .ico files somewhere.
I do understand that you are telling me not to attempt to do things with the registry - which I cannot do anyway since I don't know where it is.
You say: "You can change what icon will be displayed for a files shortcut with ease however for file types themselves".
I'm a little lost on this one - change the icon for the file shortcut? Not clear about that.
You say: "its not easy the settings in the Windows register not in one place."
I don't know what you meant here.
Then I looked at the attachments you included. I don't have a Shortcut option. I'm attaching a screenshot of what I have.
So, I'm still lost. I want so much to have my little image I made appear on my art folders instead of that horrid yellow upright folder icon. Is there any way at all?
Thank you
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A windows shortcut is for a single file or folder an Icons on you desktop may actually a Windows shortcut files used to launch applications like a version of Photoshop. Other icons one your desktop may be for file like of PSD files, They may contain image thumbnails that are set in by windows file explorer or an addon like FastPictureViewer codec package I use for PSD and RAW thumbnails. Other icon on the desktop may be for an Application associated with the file type like and editor like Notpad++ for Photoshop ,jsx scripts files. If you use Windows you should do some reading about using it.
I have outline some icons on my desktop that are for PSD and RAW image files the have images generated be the Addon I use.
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Hi Carol. I hope you don't mind me adding my two cents worth.
I think most people use the telegraphic ICO plugin to do this with Photoshop.
ICO (Windows Icon) file format plugin for Photoshop
It's not a particularly intuitive site to use though, so download this file
Extract the ICOFormat64.8bi file to a handy location like the Desktop.
Copy the file to this location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC\File Formats
Restart Photoshop is not already open.
Creative a new document 256 x 256 pixels
Give it some content, and Save As and choose ICO Windows Icon/Favicon (*.ICO)
Use this file as your master, and downsize to other sizes if required, but you must use valid sizes. (16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 256x256)
If you want to give your drives icons, then make the icon 256x256 and save it to the root of the required drive.
Use NotePad to produce a file with the following content
icon="my icon.ico"
And save it to the root of the same drive as ​autorun.inf