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I am looking for a way in Photoshop to display any embedded Copyright Information in the Info Window.
I know I can look up the info by going to FIle > File Info, however, I process a lot of images from different sources so I am looking for any way to streamline my process by having the Copyright Info in an open window. If this cannot be done in Photoshop, is there a reliable Plug-In that will accomplish this?
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p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
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There might not be an easier way to do this in Photoshop, other than speeding up the opening of File > File Info by pressing the keyboard shortcut.
Because you process a lot of images, would it work for you to streamline this by viewing the images in Adobe Bridge instead? In Adobe Bridge, the Content panel can show many images at once, such as an entire folder or from multiple folders, and you can keep its Metadata panel open. So, for example, you can keep an eye on the Copyright metadata fields as you quickly go from image to image by pressing the arrow keys.
If you are looking at one or more in Bridge and want to open them, that should be as easy as pressing the Enter/Return key, which would open all selected images in Photoshop. Or you can double-click one image.
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Thank you, Conrad.
I was hoping to stay all on one platform but processing through Bridge sounds like it has the functions I need.
Hopefully that function will be added in Photoshop soon as well.
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Just a suggestion…When I am processing a large volume of images, I actually find Bridge very helpful. For example, if I am looking at a whole folder of images, in addition to it being easy to pop them into Photoshop, Photoshop has the command and shortcut File > Close and Go to Bridge. So as I finish editing each image in Photoshop, I press that shortcut and it closes the document and goes back to where I was in Bridge. Then I do the same Bridge > Photoshop > Bridge loop for the next image, then the next image…until I finish the folder.
In addition, the Filter panel in Bridge helps me narrow down files left to work on, because it shows me things like which images are missing copyright information or keywords, which images have the wrong color mode or color profile, which images are too small, etc.
Bridge can save a lot of bulk processing time beyond just quickly looking at the metadata.
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Zero percent chance that Adobe will add what you want.
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Adobe has started to recognize that this kind of thing is getting more important. It’s being driven by the provenance demands related to generative AI imaging.
For that reason they added the new Content Credentials panel. This makes it easier to continually monitor the provenance trail and other edit metadata of the active document window.
So in that way, Adobe has recently added something that is already somewhat like what Loneta23106900rt10 is asking for. Continuous visibility of current rights info. The blocking problem in this case is that panel only shows info if Content Credentials is enabled for the document, so if it’s just IPTC Copyright metadata, then the Content Credentials panel is blank.
So given the direction of things, continuous visibility of IPTC copyright metadata in the Info or Content Credentials panel seems reasonable to ask for, like in a feature request in the Ideas section of this Community.
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Again, should be easy with a UXP panel. Not doable with ScriptUI.
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You could write a UXP plug-in that could do this. You could also create a text layer and fill it with the copyright info.
PDF, PSD, and TIFF all support annotations (Notes) but they are really tough to work with.