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Pretty self explanatory title, but here's the gist of the situation-
I have about 200 images that I need to place onto a template and save as jpgs. This is easy enough to do on its own, but I'd like to save each image as the name of the image placed onto the template. For example...
The template is just named web_template.psd.
The image I've placed onto the template is named 96072_purple_back_2018. I have lots of items with specific descriptive names similar to this that need to be the file name when saved. If I used a batch save right now, I can either automatically save the file names sequentially, or I can manually change the file name each time. The latter would waste a ton of time, so I'm wondering if somebody has (or can tell me how to make) a script that can place an image onto the template, pull the name from the top layer of the document, save the document with the name of that top layer, close, and repeat until I've gone through the 200 photos in my folder.
The other issue I'm having is figuring out how to automate the placement of images onto the template. If I create an action and use xyz_123.psd from my folder, when I automate it later, it will only pull xyz_123.psd and ignore the rest of the documents in the folder.
This probably isn't a super complex issue to solve, but I'm frying my brain trying to figure out how to automate it. This is also something I have to do pretty often, so a script or action would be an actual life saver.
Thanks, Photoshop fam! ❤️
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EDIT TO ORIGINAL POST: Now that I read the post in full most of my initial questions have been answered, so I have edited my OP to remove these questions/comments.
If you can structure your template to fit JJMack’s scripts requirements then you should be mostly good to go… (do take note of portrait/landscape and aspect ratio considerations of the source images compared to the template alpha channel “window”).
However for the sake of completeness I’ll try to answer your other questions too, as this is commonly asked and repeated...
The image I've placed onto the template is named 96072_purple_back_2018. I have lots of items with specific descriptive names similar to this that need to be the file name when saved. If I used a batch save right now, I can either automatically save the file names sequentially, or I can manually change the file name each time. The latter would waste a ton of time, so I'm wondering if somebody has (or can tell me how to make) a script that can place an image onto the template, pull the name from the top layer of the document, save the document with the name of that top layer, close, and repeat until I've gone through the 200 photos in my folder.
Actions are limited and don't offer a whole lot of automated logic options or general flexibility. That being said one can use them to great effect if planned well and the requirements fit the limitations of actions.
The other issue I'm having is figuring out how to automate the placement of images onto the template. If I create an action and use xyz_123.psd from my folder, when I automate it later, it will only pull xyz_123.psd and ignore the rest of the documents in the folder.
If one does not require a script, then batching an action or using Image Processor or Image Processor Pro scripts to batch run an action, then the action has to be designed in a different way... Rather than inserting multiple files into the template, one can insert the template into multiple files.
I have demonstrated such a simple automated workflow with a static template and variable images many times on these forums, here are some links that demonstrate the process:
Re: How to bulk add background to various photos?
Simple action to replace image from walls
Photoshop Action that can autosave 50 design
Re: How to automate batch merge 2 images?
If you wish to go down this path I am more than happy to help, even if it is as a learning exercise and you end up using JJMack’s or another script instead.
That being said, you may not even need to insert a template if it adds no actual content and is only used for sizing. An action could just trim off the white, fit image, resize canvas from the centre to the template dimensions.
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If its a template that only has a single image placed into it. The BatchOneImageCollage Script in my Package does something like that it saves layered PSD file with a name ImageName-TemplateName.psd and optionally save a jpgf with the same name.
The Mockup scripts in thr package save a jpeg with file Name FirstImageName-TemplateName and optionally save a PSD with the same name.
Photo Collage and Mockup Toolkit
Photoshop scripting is powerful and I believe this package demonstrates this. Here is a video showing a 5 image collage PSD template being populated with images
The package includes four simple rules to follow when making Photo Collage Template PSD files so they will be compatible with my Photoshop scripts.
There are eighteen scripts in this package they provide the following functions:
Mockup Support Added
I created my Photoshop Photo Collage Toolkit nine years ago and Avoided supporting Templates that used Smart Object layers to warp, to add perspective, to rotate, add any distortion to images. Because replacement Image file needed to have exactly the same Aspect Ratio, Size and Print resolution as the Object in the Template's smart object layers object. Lately there have been some threads in Adobe Photoshop scripting forums dealing with updating/populating products Mockups Templates that have prototype smart object layers that need to be updated to create the output mockup files. These were good threads and prompted me to do some thinking.
So like my Photo Collage Template design has four simple rules. I came up with four simple rules for Mockup templates. I find that I can easily modify Photo Collage Templates and Mockup Template files I download from the web so they comply with my Photo Collage Template rules or my Simple Mockup Template rules. Mockup templates may be far from simple the only simple part is they are easy to update. So I have add support to my Photo Collage Toolkit to support Mockup templates.
Simple Mockup Templates Four Rules
For Details and Download use this link Documentation and Examples
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Using JJMack’s “BatchOneImageCollage.jsx” file, the default filename output would be something like:
Template file = web_template.psd
Image files = file_1.tif, file_2.jpg etc...
Final file names = file_1 web_template.psd etc.
You could the use Adobe Bridge’s Batch Rename tool or another method to simply remove the unwanted template text in blue:
Another “easier” method would be to change the file naming code in the “BatchOneImageCollage.jsx” file to suit your needs.
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#target photoshop;
function main(){
alert("you must have your template file open with four guides!");
guides = app.activeDocument.guides;
if(guides.length != 4 ) {
alert("There should be only four guides!");
var win = new Window("dialog", "Batch Pictures");
with (win.add("group"))
orientation = "row";
alignment = "left";
var st1 = add("statictext", undefined, "Select Folder of Pictures to Process:");
st1.preferredSize = [170,20];
inp = add("statictext");
var bu1 = add('button',undefined,'Browse');
sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please Select the Source Folder");
if(sourceFolder !=null) inp.text = decodeURI(sourceFolder.fsName);
with (win.add("group"))
orientation = "row";
alignment = "left";
var st1 = add("statictext", undefined, "Please Select Output Folder :");
st1.preferredSize = [170,20];
out = add("statictext");
var bu2 = add('button',undefined,'Browse');
with (win.add("group"))
orientation = "row";
alignment = "center";
var can = add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
can.preferredSize = [250,45];
var process = add("button", undefined, "Process");
process.preferredSize = [250,45];
outFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select the output folder");
if(outFolder !=null) out.text = decodeURI(outFolder.fsName);
if(sourceFolder == null || !sourceFolder.exists){
alert("Source Folder does not exist!");
if(outFolder == null ||!outFolder.exists){
alert("Output Folder does not exist!");
var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var doc = activeDocument;
var gH = [];
var gV = [];
for( var g = 0; g < guides.length; g++ ){
.direction.toString() == 'Direction.HORIZONTAL'){ gH.push(parseInt(guides
.coordinate.value)); }else{
.coordinate.value)); }
if(gH.length != 2) return;
if(gV.length != 2) return;
var bnds = [Number(gV[0]),Number(gH[0]),Number(gV[1]),Number(gH[1])];
var res = activeDocument.resolution;
var width = bnds[2]-bnds[0];
var height = bnds[3]-bnds[1];
var fileList= sourceFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|psd)$/i);
for(var a in fileList){
activeDocument.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, res, ResampleMethod.NONE);
FitImage( width, height );
var Name =\.[^\.]+$/, '');
var saveFile = File(outFolder + "/" + Name + ".jpg");
}//end filelist
app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
function numSortAccending(a, b){ return (a-b); }
function FitImage( inWidth, inHeight ) {
if ( inWidth == undefined || inHeight == undefined ) {
alert( "FitImage requires both Width & Height!");
return 100;
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var unitPixels = charIDToTypeID( '#Pxl' );
desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( 'Wdth' ), unitPixels, inWidth );
desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( 'Hght' ), unitPixels, inHeight );
var runtimeEventID = stringIDToTypeID( "3caa3434-cb67-11d1-bc43-0060b0a13dc4" );
executeAction( runtimeEventID, desc, DialogModes.NO );
function saveJPEG(saveFile, jpegQuality){
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE);