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Is adobe allowing free downloads of PS CS 2? NO.

New Here ,
Jan 11, 2013 Jan 11, 2013

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I heard this in an illustration class I am taking, with some people claiming they have downloaded the program. I can't believe this is true.....somebody please advise. Thanks in advance.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jan 11, 2013 Jan 11, 2013

"Effective December 13, Adobe disabled the activation server for CS2 products and Acrobat 7 because of a technical glitch. These products were released over 7 years ago and do not run on many modern operating systems. But to ensure that any customers activating those old versions can continue to use their software, we issued a serial number directly to those customers.  While this might be interpreted as Adobe giving away software for free, we did it to help our customers."



Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2013 Jan 17, 2013

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And it isn't costing them time and money by having their forum staff respond here?

Now this is a joke right?  Staff hanging around here costs nothing because their level of knowledge and intelligence is almost zilt.  Would you employ them in your business if they are spouting incorrect information daily.

Earlier somebody posted some links for corrections where there were serial numbers and downloads but the staff guy deleted them because he couldn't care less taking the trouble to make any corrections.  All he cares is doing his time for the day for which he gets paid.  He is not bothered about Adobe as a corporate enterprise trying to protect their intellectual properties.





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Jan 17, 2013 Jan 17, 2013

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Staff hanging around here costs nothing because their level of knowledge and intelligence is almost zilt.

Not exactly sure what a "zilt" is, but would assume that it's similar to a "zilch," but could be wrong.

Actually, my expereince has been the opposite, at least on the forums, that I frequent. The Adobe staff IS informed, as some were product engineers for the programs.

Now, they might be insulated from the Marketing Department, but have input into the Technical Support (and limited interaction with Customer Support), however, they might not be privy to ALL corporate decisions. Still, they are respected contributors, and greatly appreciated.

Some probably do the forum work, on their own time, but a few have that participation as part of their job descriptions - so there are some, who hang here out of a desire to help, missing "family time," while some probably have an amount of time, that they are required to participate. I would guess that it might be based on seniority , but could be wrong.

Since I do not have an organizational chart in front of me, with annotations on where these decisions came from, I cannot comment, other than to say that I might have done things a bit differently. Better? Maybe, or maybe not.






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Jan 17, 2013 Jan 17, 2013

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As for the S/N aspect, I would just assume that someone ran with that. They have probably had to relinquish their official Adobe CS 2 coffee mug, but I do not know that as fact.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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FYI - but then you likely know. I just ran into this on another forum where they still think it is free. Oddly the serial numbers are still there for anyone who want's them on one of Adobe's pages anyone can go to. Why would you leave them up, that it pretty strange after all these days. Adobe must not care much

Does not matter to me as I own the latest version, but you can't blame anyone who does not come to this forum for thinking Adobe was just advertising. My first thought was you were using obsolete software to attract new customers.

Don't you think Adobe should remove the serials from a publicly accessible page after this many days? Anyone who does download it not knowing is completely innocent of any wrong doing considering you can't be bothered to hide the serial numbers don't ya think You sure this is not an advertising gimmick? Sure looks like one. Adobe would be wrong to not use it as one now. Woop's we messed up, but hey we decided to go ahead and let people have it anyway, would be a great advertising ploy.

What do ya expect, I'm in Marketing Never let a good mistake go to waste; use it to sell more product. Do your marketing people know this little gem is just sitting there waiting to be exploited?





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Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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FYI - but then you likely know. I just ran into this on another forum where they still think it is free. Oddly the serial numbers are still there for anyone who want's them on one of Adobe's pages anyone can go to. Why would you leave them up, that it pretty strange after all these days. Adobe must not care much

In fact Adobe does care about its intellectual property.;  It is the adobe staff who don't care because they are just misinforming the public that it is not free.  This is completely false because CS2 is a very old product and Adobe has decided to give it away because the product may not run on Windows 7 or Windows 8.

[admin: no, that is incorrect, it is not free, as you have been told repeatedly ]

I don't use CS2 so I have no interest in it but Adobe Staff posting here should take advise from their supervisors before posting anything rubbish again.

[ the staff posting here have stated the case correctly: CS2 is posted for owners of CS2, not for free download by those who have not purchased a license for CS2 ]

It is free and enjoy them whilst you can because your old machine may not last longer than the CS2 downloads.

[ please read the previous postings by staff reminding you that it is NOT free ]

You Google for CS2 and all the websites are saying it is free.

[websites claim all sorts of conspiracy theories that are easily disproven ]

Some of these websites are maintained by professional writers and commentators on technology matters who gets information from the top and the marketing people of various companies.

[ and who failed to check their facts ]

I believe, Microsoft has distributed its Expression Web 4 free of charge and next year (after April 8th 2014) Windows XP will be distributed free of charge as a download.  XP is more than 10 years old now.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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It's irrelevent to me as I already own what I use. This is causing some real confusion though.

I think responses should come from staff on this and all I can find posted by any Adobe staff say's no, it is not free. I'll take their word until I find something official that says otherwise. That is why I responded to a staff post to get them to clarify since they left it there for people to take at will. It could be they were right then and then the company changed policy on that. Nothing wrong if that's the case either.

I was just bored anyway. I only use PS CS6 Extended and I own the latest version now. In fact I'm sitting here deciding which credit card to use for the membership. I'll likely use that from now on. That is a great price to have full access to all their great stuff. Very cool move by Adobe. I can afford that and have all their software all the time, wherever I am. What's not to like about that?

Adobe's stuff is one case where I'm happy to pay and it's worth every penny. I wish I could say that about other products





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Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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professional.pirate wrote:

Some of these websites are maintained by professional writers and commentators on technology matters who gets information from the top and the marketing people of various companies.

Some of those writers and commentators could be wrong too.  I would think that Adobe would post it on their own website first before telling others about it.  All I've heard from Adobe is it's for CS2 owners only.

Many of those websites jumped on the bandwagon at the same time everyone else did then never updated their pages probably because they're attracting a lot of attention themselves.  If they got their information from the "top," then they aren't relating the same information that Adobe staff have posted in these forums.  From what I've read here it isn't free except to CS2 license holders.  If it is free, then Adobe needs to put in bold letters on the home page what the status is so we can lay this mystery to rest.





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Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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Maybe they've been so busy firing the ones responsible that they haven't gotten around to taking the page down yet.  That page has been up a while which is very unusual.

I also don't have any interest in what they're offering because I have more current versions for the ones I'm interested in.  I already own Acrobat Pro 8 and Audition 3, but don't use them anymore since I've upgraded.

Some websites are still saying it's free for the taking.

[ again, they are incorrect ]

The forums are filled with statements from Adobe saying it is only for CS2 customers.  I think it's a great marketing scheme if it was Adobe's intention to give CS2 away.  I don't think it was.  I think it was unintentional and now there's no way to stop it.

I think the majority of non-owners will never purchase newer versions while the more serious ones might.  Since CS2 is non-upgradeable, many won't want to pay the expensive full-version price tag unless they're in a business where they can afford it.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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It's very odd it's still up. I've decided to go with the Cloud. I can easily budget that and that way I can try software I never would otherwise. I just need the wife to let me know which card to use.

I use mainly PS Extended for everything and I've been upgrading that every other version. In fact I bought my wife a copy a couple of versions ago so we could both use it at the same time.

I don't care about creating web stuff. I use it for photography and for images for desktop publishing. I left off with Acrobat at 8 Pro myself as I just don't use it. I have to have Office Pro anyway and it's easy to create there and export as a PDF, so no need anymore.





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Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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Oddly enough, Acrobat 8 Pro is still on the upgrade path.  However nobody with one of the free serial numbers will be able to upgrade from it.

My understanding is we now have to be at the current version to upgrade.  I used to skip versions all the time for the software I use.  I never bothered with CS2 and jumped from pre-CS software to CS3.  I think Acrobat doesn't adhere to the CS upgrade rule--at least not yet.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2013 Jan 19, 2013

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I think you are right about Acrobat. Something is different.





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Jan 12, 2013 Jan 12, 2013

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Doesn't anyone care to do what's legal and right if they're not absolutely forced to do so?  Is this the generation we've raised?

If I leave my car parked with the windows open will the folks who feel "Photoshop is now free" come by and steal what they can?

What's wrong with these people?






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Jan 13, 2013 Jan 13, 2013

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Noel Carboni wrote:

....If I leave my car parked with the windows open will the folks who feel "Photoshop is now free" come by and steal what they can?...

Sure they will.

Noel Carboni wrote:

...What's wrong with these people?

They're thieves, plain and simple.





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Jan 14, 2013 Jan 14, 2013

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Yes, this is the generation somebody raised.  I sure didn't.  Pretty pathetic isn't it?  You scream FREE in a crowded room and they all come running.  When you tell them it really isn't free, they make up more self-fulfilling excuses to justify they should still be able to use it even if it's essentially stolen software.

The thing that gets me is how many of these people would even use the software.  Are they only interested in the software because they assume it's free or do they really have an interest?  You can't upgrade from it because it's so old and try to find a tutorial for it.

No, the ideology is it's "free" and everybody wants it.





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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You can bully all you want to but some people actually do have a desire to use this software. I own CS2 and still use it on my Winxp 32bit computer. Yes it's old but it still works for me so what? Why are there so many angry "customers" running around this forum trying to chase away people who want to use this software legitimately? How does it hurt you personally anyway?

The real problem with this society and generation is that the "haves" are constantly trying to keep the "have nots" in their place.





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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Nobody is trying to chase away legitimate CS2 owners.

[remark removed]





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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Thank you.





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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Calling people thieves who downloaded the software in good faith because they believed and followed reputable websites announcements is wrong and disgusting. Very interesting coming from Adobe representives.





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Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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No Adobe representative called anybody thieves.





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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ladyplf2 wrote:

Calling people thieves who downloaded the software in good faith because they believed and followed reputable websites announcements is wrong and disgusting. Very interesting coming from Adobe representives.

So...  Can we assume you do not have a license, downloaded the software, and used the published serial numbers to activate it?  Now knowing you're not legally entitled to use it, have you removed it from your system?






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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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As shown above, they claim to be a licensed user.  If so then why all the noise about downloading in good faith.  I downloaded it in good faith then uninstalled it when I found out it wasn't free.  I'm sure others with some sense have done the same thing.  Who wants bootleg software on their computer?





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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1. I am a licensed user.

2. Cris Cox did and it was removed.

3. Why all the 'noise' from all the users calling people thieves who just tried to obtain photoshop  from Adobe instead of pirating it.

4.Why bother to buy software from companies who treat their customers like thieves in the first place. Here I'm talking about all the drm activation crap that crippled CS2 in the first place.

5. I'm bored and why not argue with people on the internet, it beats pirating software.





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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No, I did not call you anything.

And nobody is treating customers like thieves.

All I said was that the thieves/pirates should go away.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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Ah well, no such thing as a free lunch, even if the lunch is eight years old.





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Jan 15, 2013 Jan 15, 2013

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Did I say anything about legitimate users?  Of course legitimate users have a right to use old software.  My response was for the people that want something for nothing even when Adobe has said it's not free software.  If they do decide to give it away, then who cares.

Obviously you're responding to the wrong posting.





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