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Im looking for a script that can record in a text file (preferably excel sheet) what the width and hieght is of a image file at a specifc give size. It the operation could batch for all images in a folder that would be ideal.
Image File: 6x4
at 45": 45x30
at 36": 36x24
at 26": 26x17
Im not even sure if something like this can be made but any assistance to finding a answer would be greatly appriciated!
To start:
Edit: I just updated the previously mentioned blogpost to include the script from Mars Premedia and now Blogger has disabled the post! Here it is in full for now...
There are five common methods for extracting/exporting metadata from one or
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To start:
Edit: I just updated the previously mentioned blogpost to include the script from Mars Premedia and now Blogger has disabled the post! Here it is in full for now...
There are five common methods for extracting/exporting metadata from one or more files to a comma separated value (.csv) or tab delimited text file.
Adobe Bridge Script – Extract Metadata, by Paul Riggott:
Adobe Bridge Script – Barred Rock Script “BSExportMetadata”: or
Adobe Bridge Script – VRA Panel Export-Import Tool
Adobe Photoshop Script – Images Report, by Mars Premedia
ExifTool – by Phil Harvey:
An example of using ExifTool to write all metadata to a .csv file on the desktop using the source directory titled “test” on the desktop (the following code would be entered into on the Mac or the Command Prompt in MS Windows):
exiftool -r -all -csv '/Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/test' > '/Users/loggedinusername/Desktop/metadata-out.csv'
This code is formatted for the Mac OS, MS Windows would use straight double quote marks “ and the expected \ file path formatting.
Of course, the flipside of exporting metadata is to import metadata, which is also a feature of ExifTool. For an Adobe Bridge solution, try the VRA Panel Export-Import Tool or Paul Riggott’s Do It Yourself Metadata Input script (also here) and for Photoshop there is Keywords from CSV from Mars Premedia.
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Thanks @Stephen_A_Marsh for those links!
I was actually able to find a script that gave me the information on a image in a .csv format ( . From there I was able to maniplate the the data to get my expected results!