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I have been reading Adobe documentation on scripting, and I am ready to start writing scripts for Photoshop CC. I know Photoshop well and I have experience programming web applications in JavaScript. I have spent the last hour looking for somewhere to download a SDK. If it exists, Adobe has hidden it very well indeed! Where can I find it?
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Thanks. There's no shortage of documentation. I have seen and read it all. Where can I download the ExtendScript Toolkit itself? The one that is described here? I need the software, not the documenation.
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You don't "need" special software, it just helps. JavaScript does not need to be "compiled".
ExtendScript/JavaScript can be written in a plain text editor and saved with a .jsx extension rather than .txt – however, some editors are more capable than others when it comes to various scripting languages. For example, there are packages for Atom that can make the job easier.
There is even a webpage app to help write these scripts:
The Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit is depreciated software that should be available via your Creative Cloud installer app.
Otherwise, have you tried a web search?
Adobe have moved on from ESTK and now provide a debugger extension for MS Visual Studio Code program:
There are a few things that I miss from the old ESTK app, most notably the Object Model Viewer (I now just use the PDF or an online DOM reference) – however, I have now stopped using the ESTK as I find that I am generally more productive in a modern editor.
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It is not required I only use it F1 viewer to look at what is in Adobe Photoshop DOM Objects.
Its being replaced
I've slow down some becoming a senior slow to learn new tricks is me. I just use notepad++ and may alerts......
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A CC version link is here, for what it is worth:
You may need to turn on the setting for "show older apps" in the CC desktop app.
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If you install it,. Extendscript CC Toolkit will be shown in the creative cloud desktop application the only option the creative cloud desktop application has for it is uninstall
I seems to have 3 versions installed on my workstation.