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Hi all, I know this is probably the most simple of things but I don't know how to do it!
I have a line, (which I lifted off an old artwork). Essentially, I'd like take that black border line, and wrap it around the outside of the yellow circle.
Any ideas?
No idea how to go about that, any ideas?
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Try this
Make a brush from your line by selecting it and using Edit - define Brush Preset
Use the Pen tool to create a path round your circle (which is not quite round)
Then stroke the path with the brush
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Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. The problem I have with defining the brush is the resolutions gets whacked way down. These are for print at A0.
I thought it would be fairly straight forward to take one of the longer sections and make the ends meet to form a circle.... but obviously not!
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You could use the warp tool and do it in sections a quarter or half at a time
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What about the shape tool?