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Hi everyone, Help! I use Photoshop on a PC. I am working in Photoshop 2020. I have someone who I'm helping who is using Photoshop on a Mac. For Textile design I suggested unchecking Anti-alias on the options bar, however Anti-alias is missing from her options bar. Please see the attached image (Note: I adjusted the desktop to look similar to the CS versions of photoshop). Can someone please help. PS. The attached image is the screenshot she sent me. I would normally check it out on a freinds mac but am quarentined due to covid-19.
1 Correct answer
Photoshop > Preferences > Workspace > Enable Narrow Options Bar (and restart Photoshop)
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Photoshop > Preferences > Workspace > Enable Narrow Options Bar (and restart Photoshop)
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THANK YOIU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending you love & appreciation from NY!
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thank you so much!!!
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On Windows 10 Ps 21.1.2 the lasso tool option bar looks like this:
Please post a screen capture. You Phone image looks like this posted. Can not make out the garbage before select and mask
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Hi JJ, I agree but the image was sent to me by the person having the problem, however it was solved by
C pfaffenbichler see above However thanks for your time & concern, it's appreciated. Take care, Frederick
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To call something smoothing vs. anti-aliasing is a bit too dumb-down!
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What OS and Photoshop versions are you using. This is what I see on Windows 10 with PS 2021 version 22.2.
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Hi, I have the latest Windows 10 20H2 and the latest Photoshop 22.2.0
I have two laptops and both have the latest options as listed above.
Funny though! -- the laptop I was using for this post, a Samsung, has the icons above -- here's an example for the magic wand tool:
but my other laptop an Asus has the old text checkbox for anti-aliasing.
Why one computer has these icons and one had text checkboxes I do not know. Perhaps Adobe is testing features on random users?
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You are now showing part of a different tool's option, Check the Both machine Photoshop Preferences Workspace Preference for your Tool opinion bar are set the same.
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»Why one computer has these icons and one had text checkboxes I do not know.«
What is the Photoshop > Preferences > Workspace > Enable Narrow Options Bar setting.
And please include the relevant elements in screenshots, in this case at least the Toolbar.