multi page pdf from existing file in Photoshop
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I'm trying to create a multi-page document from an existing file. Everything I read says to start with a NEW document. But I need to duplicate an existing document 54 times, so I tried to save it as a template with .psdt, but I can't find it. I'm on a MAC.
The other related question is...why are my recent saved documents not showing up on my Photoshop start page. I have tried restoring defaults to the workspace, but I still can't see them. Image attached.
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To my knowledge recent in the new dialog box only shows the settings of the page.
You can find your file by using File>Open
As for a multipage pdf use File>Automate>PDF Presentation
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Does the image have 54 Layers or what exactly is the task?
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The other related question:
The screenshot you posted shows the recent presets regarding the canvas and not recent files. That is when you're creating a new document. To show recent files you need to go to file> open recent.
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I think I have figured it out. I was confused because all of the tutorials show that I needed to start with a NEW file. Instead, I just used file, open, than SAVE AS to rename my successive 54 pages. Next I will drop them into a document together. Sometimes it's the simple things I miss.
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Have you tried File > Export > Layers to Files?
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"But I need to duplicate an existing document 54 times"
I'm confused. Are you saying you have one document in PS and need to have 54 copies of the same image in a PDF? If so, instead of using Save As in PS 54 times and renaming the file 54 times, try this:
- Make a PDF with the one image
- In Acrobat, go to the Pages panel or the Organize Pages panel
- Select the page and Option+Drag to duplicate it. To speed things up, select both pages and Option+Drag. Keep an eye on the toolbar for the page count and stop when you have 54 (or delete the extras).
~ Jane
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You are correct. I need 54 exact images in a multi-page pdf. This is for a deck of cards. After they are all loaded in the pdf, I will add different text to each one. Your idea sounds much better than mine, but I don't have Acrobat. I dropped all of my files in a multipage file this morning, but when I open it, I only see one page. I can't seem the find the others. And I also need to make a couple of adjustments to the preset settings, but the edit button for Adobe pdf presets is not clickable. Any further advice would be great.
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You can get a seven-day free trial of Acrobat or a one month plan (not the same as annual, paid monthly!) Be sure to cancel.
Photoshop does not have multiple pages, and layers from Photoshop are not supported in Acrobat, so I'm not sure what your method was the first time.
If your images are PSDs:
- In Acrobat, go to File > Create > PDF from File
- In either the classic Pages panel (left side) or newer Organize Pages (right side), Option+Drag the page to make copies until you have 54. (Alt+Drag on Windows)
If your files are TIFFs or JPEGs, you can use the 54 images you have. I tried this with PSDs and got an error, so use my alternative method above if you saved PSDs. Otherwise, do this:
- In Acrobat: Go to File > Create > Combine Files into Single PDF to open a large dialog box
- In Finder/Explorer: Select the 54 images you have saved and drag and drop them into the dialog box
- Click Combine
- It's called "Binder 1" until you save it.
~ Jane