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I'm looking to enlarge a photo for a 24' backdrop. The stock photos are just not large enough to provide the printer with a file that's 1/2 size (146"w) at 72 dpi. When enlarging the photos in PS to the dimensions the biggest one I found was only 42 dpi. Check out the screen shot.
I remember someone at my previous job using a program to rez up images. Anyone know what that is? Any other ideas?
Thanks all!
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42PPI my be acceptable for a large image that's viewed from a distance - check with your printer.
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Hi dydes57085107, When I open this posted photograph, I read the size at
159.214 inches wide
77 inches high
res only 42.779
If you are able to resave this at a higher resolution how far can you enlarge it?
Free transform might let you do it inside the current work-frame. Someone here might know the exact formula you need. Best always, JH
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What distance will you view the backdrop from? You may not need higher than 42ppi. The resolution required can be calculated from 6878/Viewing distance in inches *.
So if your are viewing this from say 15 feet away (which is 180 inches) the ppi required is 6878/180 = 38 ppi. Any higher and your eyes cannot resolve it at that distance.
The math is based on this:
A good human eye can resolve 60 line pairs per degree i.e. pairs of black and white lines. So in half a degree we would have 60 single lines.
Simple trigonometry means that the width containing those 60 lines can be calculated by:
Width of 60 lines = Viewing distance x tan(0.5°)
Once we know the width for 60 lines (or pixels) we can calculate how many lines per inch can be seen by using 60/Width of 60 lines.
So putting those together gives us
60/(Viewing distance x tan(0.5°)) = 60/(Viewing distance x 0.0087269)
= 2/(Viewing distance x 0.000291)
1/(Viewing distance x .0001454)
6878/Viewing distance
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