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New Creative Cloud will not allow me to have 2 version of PS

Community Beginner ,
Jun 29, 2020 Jun 29, 2020

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I recieved the new 2020 version of Photoshop, which is riddled with too many issues, however, when I installed it, I was not able to keep my 2019 version of Photoshop, the 2020 version replaced it. Last year when I updated from 2018 version to 2019 version, the 2018 version remained on my Creative Cloud, and I was able to use both of them. I keep reading how other people are able to keep their 2019 version of PS, after installing the new 2020 version. Am I missing something here, or doing something wrong? I ended up reinstalling my 2019 Photoshop, because I have projects for clients I am working on, and need to finish them, but I wanted to keep the 2020 version to see if the issues I am having could be resolved, but when I went to reinstall 2019 version, a message poped up saying doing this will uninstall my current version of Photoshop, and it did. I can still reinstall the 2020 version, but am not able to have both if them. Creative Cloiud also updated automatically a couple of days ago, the layout is different and so is the Icon on my desktop. If someone knows how I can keep both versions, please let me know, I will be most grateful....Thank you.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2020 Jun 29, 2020

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When you download the new version you need to select the download and select on other versions. Yiou can keep now 2 versions 2019 and 2020.

If you do not ahve 2019 installed now look at the screenshot...and download 2019.

Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 19.51.34.png





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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So you're saying to select the download from the three dots to the right, rather than selecting it where it reads, "Download Available?" 




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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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You can keep as may as you want installed. Only uninstall the ones you don't you know the ones with the more severe bugs should be uninstalled.  To conserve space if  I  judge two version are good  and their features work the same way I will uninstall  the older one.  I have also downloaded the Installers for most Photoshop version so i can re-install then in case I find a need to.






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Jun 29, 2020 Jun 29, 2020

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You seemed to have rushed ahead with installing Photoshop 2020 without seeing how you could retain an earlier version.

What are the "many issues" you claim Photoshop is riddled with – unless you detail them, they won't be resolved. We usually find that there's a simple solution, such as the user restting their Photoshop preferences. 


When indicating your 2020 issues, please also indicate your OS version and system details.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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I created a seperate post for the issues I'm having with it, it keeps freezing up, then it crashes and boots me out of my account, never had that happen with PS 2019, and resetting my preferences was the first thing I did. It resolved the issues, but then after working in PS for about an hour, the same issue repeated. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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Adobe Tech support was no help either, I spoke to three different agents, each of them telling me something different, one told me my computer was too old to support PS 2020, even after I had already mentioned to him, that the computer I am using is only 3 months old, it's brand new, and exceeds all minimum reqiurements to run PS 2020. Another told me the driver in my computer doesn't support the new version, however, if that were the case, I would think, from a common sense point of view, that the program wouldn't work at all, I could be wrong, but as I mentioned, it will work perfectly for about 90 minutes or more, no issues what so ever, then suddenly it just freezes up, and crashes, regardless of what I am using, or doing in Photosho. It isn't one particular task, or tool that causes it to do that, I can just have my workspace open, not doing anything, and after a period of time, it freezes and crashes. I finally just gave up and reinstalled PS 2019, now it's running fine, no issues. 




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Community Expert ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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It sound like your are also a new computer user.  A computer can be a second old and have problems. Age of a computer is only an indicator of what technology may not be in it.  A new computer you buy  new may have been manufacture long before you purchased.  Some of the software in your computer may have be coded before you were born if you are a young adult. I'm 79 I predate most software running these days. If you use a computer you will run into problems.  Some are very hard to diagnose and there are great technicians and there are new ones that are not so great.  New does not mean great or even good.   You goal should be find a solution for you problem.  Your computer may be very good still you have a problem  and the problem is more then likely a software issue Hardware wise  computers manufactured recently are very reliable. By the way you did not give up you reached your goal you found the solution  you fix the broken installation.  You may not know what you fixed but you have a working solution.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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I'm 56 years old and have been using computers for over 20 years, I have 5 computers in my home, each for different things I do. The computer I have my Photoshop installed on, is only used for doing graphic art projects, and using Adobe products, I use more than just Photoshop, all the other apps I use work perfectly. I do freelance graphic art as a secondary income, and I have regular clients, who love my artwork, and won't use any other artist. I've had ads I've designed for clients, published in magazines too. I don't claim to be a Photoshop expert, but I have been using Adobe products since 1997, when I got my first computer. That PC came with a factory installed version of what is now Photoshop. I had been using PS on another PC prior to purchasing the one I currently use it on, and because I used that PC for other things, as well as Adobe products, I decided to purcahse a new computer, and use it for nothing but my graphic art projects. PS 2019 works perfectly on it, I wasn't having a single issue until I updated to PS 2020, the GPU card in my newest computer, is not among the list that Adobe has tested, but in that troubleshooting document, it states, that if you don't see your GPU card on the list, and the driver is 2013 or newer, you can just assume it will work with the latest version of Photoshop, mine is a 2020. If I need to purchase a new driver, that's not a problem, but the support tech I spoke with, did nothing but go through a list of possible solutions for issues, and then told me, my computer may be too old, which I find to be rediculous. This was not the first time I have dealt with Adobe tech support, and just as this time, none of the other times I have contacted them have they ever been able to help me resolve any issues, I always find solutions to issues here on the community board. 




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Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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It was just the way you wrote about your problems with Adobe. I have also been using  Photoshop for overs 20 and I have had problems with ever version of  Phtoshop after Photoshop CS4  and I skipped CS4 for I knew there would be problem in it Adobe was adding GPU support. 


It took Adobe over 5 months to fix  CS6 to a point I could it.  I have reported  bugs to Adobe that  Adobe acknowledged are bugs.  Adobe just does not care to fix some of them.   


You can count on Adobe releasing Bugs.  You need to be able to work around any that bite you.  Always have more than one working version of Photoshop installed.  You never know when the next update will come.  There has not been an update released in years that has not contained new bugs. 


Many are not effected by the bugs they do not use area in Photoshop where the bugs are or may not even realize they have been bitten  all bugs are not Major.  Adobe fixes major bug. 


 I hope in the future you assume updated will have faults and you may be bitten. So you have at least two versions of Photoshop installed.  It is  more realistic assumption then assuming it will work perfectly.  Its software and you were bitten hard.  I hope you don't get bitten hard in the future.  


I started working for IBM in 1962 before you.  I been around computer a long time don't trust them.  They are currently Programmed by humans.  Who know about the future will they become evile.... take over I'll never know.....





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