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Hello, I just got my Photoshop updated to 2021 (previous version 2018). I used the Nik Collection 1.2.11 guite often with my old version so of course I installed this plugin again. But that causes peoblems in PS. Can't work with it anymore. If I open a pic, I can add one new layer with something, I do my editing with this layer and than the pic just dissapears from the PS desktop and I just can see the starting page of PS. Any idea if the old Nik collection just doesn't work with PS2021 ?
1 Correct answer
DXO now says its NIK collection is compatible with PS 2021. I upgraded to version 3, checked the GPU box in PS preferences and NIK works as expected.
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I have exactly the same problem. Nik Collection 3.3, Photoshop 22.0.1, NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 with latest Studio driver and the image freezes if a Nik filter is applied to a smart layer if "Use Graphics Processor" is ticked.
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Same. Applied the Photoshop 22.1.0 patch, loaded Nik Collection 3.3.. mine is an NVidia GEFORCEGTX 1050 Ti. Returning from NIK Colour Efex (and I presume any other product in the collection), and PS creates the new (modified) layer. I select the brush and the first keystroke registers...thereafter no further modifications register on the screen. Scrubby zoom stops working. Closing and reopening the file allows normal editing again but this interferes with workflow. Unchecking the GPU works, but that is hardly a satisfactory workaround, and scrubby zoom relies on GPU, so, again, that's lost.
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I was going to buy it on your black friday sale but if it isnt compaible I guess I wont
you should give us a raicheck so we can buy it at this price after you have your issues resolved if not no sale to me!
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"you should give us a raicheck so we can buy it"
This is user-to-user forum and we do not work for Adobe. If someone PMs you in response to your request, please do not reply as scammers tend to lurk in forums.
~ Jane
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DXO now says its NIK collection is compatible with PS 2021. I upgraded to version 3, checked the GPU box in PS preferences and NIK works as expected.
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I use NIK v1.2.18 now in CC2018, will I have no choice but to pay & upgrade to newest NIK version, if I want use in PS2021?
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Oh, how I wish I was in your camp! Even with the latest versions of PS and Nik (as of 11/27/2020) same issues persist. I hope they are still working on it!
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Me not. The same issue. Everything's OK with unchecked GPU box, malfunction with checked GPU.
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Same to me. With 22.4.2 no chance, Nik 3 or Nik4. It´s open one time as plugin and works great. Secound athemp malfunktion. Support send me a diagnostik-app, answer - Nik 3 is no longer supported by Niks specialist??? But Version 4.2 insent working at all. On 2 macs same problems, one mac 22.4.1 works great, I have no clue, GPU checked or unchecked, makes no differenc.
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Photoshop release 22.2 appears to have fixed the Nik problem which some of us were having.
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Thanks for the info. I updated to 22.2 this morning and my NIK problems have vanished. That makes me very happy. I was having a similar problem when using PS Adaptive Wide Angle filter. Hopefully that is fixed too.
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DxO told me that they had long discussions with Adobe about this problem. The conclusion was that changes would be needed to Photoshop (not the Nik Collection) to resolve it and that those changes would happen with Photoshop release 22.2. Looks like Adobe have fixed it. Good news.
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I've been trying to get it to work for months like before but to no avail. The only way I can get it to work is to export the Nikon NEF RAW file from LR as a Tiff and then import it directly into one of the Nik filters directly. Drag and drop. This will then export again only as a Tiff to the same place it was imported from such as your desktop. This means that it would one again need to be imorted into LR or PS in order for it to be exported as a jpg. It's quite a journey but such is life. I'm simply not willing to spend any more money on another editing program.
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Have you updated to PS 22.2? My problems went away after I did.
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I don't think I have or can. I reached to DXO for their updated free version about 1-2 years ago because there'd been some non compatabilty with their older version and they were happy to point me to a link for download.
I've gone and had a look at their current set up and I'm under the impression I'd need to buy one of them in order to ubdate.
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I have photoshop version 22.3.1on the M1 Macbook pro. I also have Nik collection 3 (paid) but despite having just reinstalled Nik I can't see the filters in Photoshop. Can anyone help?
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Same with me, just got my new M1 iMac today and can't get them to work
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i can use them standalone but not from photoshop. Anyone else and is there a fix?
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@josh bear OK, so I managed to get it working by Rosetta. Finder > Adobe Photoshop 2021 > Get Info, and then tick the box "Open using Rosetta". Restart PS and the NIK collection was all there.
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@eddie00001 Where is the box "open using Rosetta". I went to get info but nothing there.
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@josh bear , as Eddie mentioned, you;ll need to browse to the app in finder, and right click it to choose Get Info (or use File > Get Info). In the Info dialog box is where you'll find the "Open using Rosetta" checkbox.
Here's an Apple help page that shows the process using Safari as an example:
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Thanks. Much appreciated. All working now.
Thanks again
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Perfect !
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Just got it working. I'm using the Nik collection before Google got it. I tired copying the files at first because it worked before but this time I had to use the installer! I installed it in the Photoshop2021 plugins folder.