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I have installed the new PS CC but I can't find my plug ins for Topaz or Nik Software, can I not use them with CC?
Nik is working on an update, but users are working with older version of the plug-in I think.
From Nik:
On a Windows:
1. Make sure all versions of Photoshop are closed.
2. Run the Nik Collection installer from the file you received via email and downloaded. If you no longer have this file, you may email customer support ( to have the file sent to you again.
3. During the installation process when you get to the Host Application window, you will notice a plus sign to add an
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Moved to Photoshop forums
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Suggest you check with the Nik and Topaz websites.
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The FAQ on CC installation says you have to reinstall all your plugins using the installer from Nik and Topaz respectively. I reinstalled my Nik ones and it worked. However Dx0 Filmpack 4 (just released) does not install. I've got a query open with Dx0 about why that is. Not terribly well flagged by Adobe (I found the FAQ off another post) and an irritating experience as a user.
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it worked on what.. MAC or PC?
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Under Windows 8 (64) I had already installed PS CS6 and NIK filters. Re running the install after installing PS CC would not see the CC PS folder for install. Installing PS CC does not remove PS CS6 so you still have the folders from that install and the application still works. What did work was to copy the plugins/google folder to the CC Plugins folder and CC then sees the NIK plugins and they actually work! I'm sure NIK will need to release a new install soon.
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I was also under Windows 8 64 bit. I uninstalled CS6 first, which was possibly a bit rash but that's what I did. Then installed CC, then ran the Nik installer where I had to manually add in the Photoshop CC folder with the "+" dialogue at the beginning of the Nik installer dialogue.
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Topaz also does not install. Shame. Hopefully in the next few days they will all upgrade installers. OnOne,however,worked flawlessly.
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Yep doesnt work on Mac for Nik plug ins.
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Find the Uninstaller/Installer .dmg I always run an uninstall first. Then I run the install.
As you get to the point where the installer TELLS YOU, err... I mean asks you where it will install Nik, there is no PS CC listed. Hit the plus sign on the bottom which takes you to Applications. Click on the PS CC Folder, whoa... it does not allow you to select CC. However, in the Folder find the folder Plug-Ins>Panel, there you can hit OK. Now you will find aan Adobe Custom thing at the bottom of where The other Application Avatars such as CS6 and LR5 (for example), then run Install.
Open CC and you will find the Nik Products are there and work fine.
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just2 wrote:
Topaz also does not install. Shame. Hopefully in the next few days they will all upgrade installers. OnOne,however,worked flawlessly.
It's ironic because the original filter buZZPro 3, on which the TopazLabs Simplify filter is based, installs and works fine on CC 32bit.
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As we all know, Adobe doesn't have the best reputation and we are hostage to that inefficiency.
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I tried installing my downloads from previous purchase to my new MacBook pro and it states it must be used with Intel chip Mine has the Apple M1 Pro
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The Topaz software is in fact compatible with CC. You will need to exit out of CC and redownload the software from Upon opening PS, the plug-ins should be in the filter menu.
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For any of you guys who are having problems with plug-ins not showing up in PhotoshopCC, I figured out a solution - at least for Windows 7 users!
Try running PSCC with the plug-ins installed. You should get nothing.
Now close PSCC and open BridgeCC.
Open an image in Bridge and send it to PSCC.
See if you now have the plug-ins showing.....I do!
Now, if you've already pinned PSCC to your taskbar, delete that one.
Right click on the PSCC that is open with the plug-ins showing and pin that one to the taskbar.
That should fix the problem......................for now.
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darewhee wrote:
The Topaz software is in fact compatible with CC. You will need to exit out of CC and redownload the software from Upon opening PS, the plug-ins should be in the filter menu.
This does not work for me.
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Are you using Windows? Did you try my fix a couple of posts up? give it a try. It is working for many people. Just follow the steps. Let me know...
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I did try installing Nik software again and then went to find it, but it wasn't there. I ended up saving my image and going to CS6 to do what I wanted to do. I have tried what Pete above has said, I have been doing some other stuff, but will try later.
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Did you close photoshop, then open Bridge and then open the image in PSCC from Bridge and see if the plug-ins were now there??
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I always open my images from Bridge, so no I don't think it is there, I will try it again, unfortunately the bridge has crashed and I am trying to close it so I can start again.
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Just make sure photoshop CC is completely closed before you open Bridge and then try it. Are you running Windows?
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Yes, windows 7, I have to go out but will do it soon, when I get back
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I don't use Topaz but I do use CEP 4 and Neat Image Pro. Both didn't show up in PSCC until I discovered that they worked once I opened Bridge first. It seems to work for many people. I hope it can work for you as long as you follow that order and not have PSCC open first. Good luck!
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I don't use Topaz for much just one thing really, so maybe I can live without that, but there has been success when it comes to Nik and I now have all my programs, thanks everyone for the help.