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Brand new to photoshop. Trying to save a file as PDF and retain multiple layers. Googled "how to" a bunch of times and watched 3 videos. Every single one just says "tick the layers checkbox when saving". I have no layers checkbox... I get the option to choose which file format and that's it. [Screenshot attached].
Tried moving on to the next step, "retain photoshop capabilities" etc, and then checked for layers in Acrobat. No layers. What am I doing wrong?
You might not be doing anything wrong. I tried it and I get the same thing.
But I have an idea about what might be happening: Adobe recently rearranged how things work in Save As, so the videos you watched might be out of date. Because I do see the Layers option if I choose File > Save a Copy. So try that: Choose File > Save a Copy, make sure Layers is selected, then choose Photoshop PDF and make sure Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities is selected.
It is possible that the reason the Lay
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You might not be doing anything wrong. I tried it and I get the same thing.
But I have an idea about what might be happening: Adobe recently rearranged how things work in Save As, so the videos you watched might be out of date. Because I do see the Layers option if I choose File > Save a Copy. So try that: Choose File > Save a Copy, make sure Layers is selected, then choose Photoshop PDF and make sure Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities is selected.
It is possible that the reason the Layers option is no longer in Save As is because, in the new way that Save As works, to prevent data loss they probably always save layers in Save As.
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Do you mean pdf-Layers?
If so: Photoshop Layers do not correspond to pdf-Layers and cannot be produced from Photoshop directly.
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@Sarah356061648o5x you can enable this option in preferences if you want the layers option available in the Save As dialog
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Use "Save a Copy" option instead of "Save As". You'll get the layers checkbox plus colorspace options.
Same three layer file with different save type: