Not Seeing Swatch Palette in Ps 21
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
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I do not see the swatch palette about the swatch groups. If I enable "Show Recents" I will see a line of color icons (See Ps_swatch_v21.png), but I can't seem to get the matrix of colors palette as before (see Ps_swatch_palette.png) Is there a Preferences setting or a setting in the Swatches tool that I need to change? If not, is there a reason behind this change in the Swatches tool?
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May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
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Hi mrizq,
Just select them, drag them out of the folders, and put it into List view. I personally find the new Swatches panel comes a lot closer to Illustrator's and allows me to organize swatches without having them all run together.
~ Abdallah BERAIDA
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