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Hi Guys!
I have a situation that bothers me vx in photoshop, and
this has been happening to some versions until the last one.
Sometimes it happens to open (any file) for example,
with a light effect, image and text, so if you try to select something
out of these objects (light or the image), say a single text, doing the action
next to get his box, he selects this light up there,
with the box of this light the size of the canvas, then if I give a
Ctrl + T, the checkbox for that light reduces to its original size and then
I can select only the text.
In short, I was wondering if there are any settings to disable this,
because when you have a project with lots of layers, groups, and you try to select
something specific, he ends up taking some objects that are in this type of situation.
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Can you translate what you wrote into text that is easy to understand. It would be helpfule is you include OS and PS version and steps performed for your vx situration in Photoshop. Note all the versions your vx in.
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I'm sorry, I don't speak English, I'm using google to translate. I will send a video that I recorded of the situation.
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Try writing in your native language— the Translate button in the forum usually works well.
Are you working in 3D?
If the issue is that the wrong layer is getting selected when you try to Move something, turn off Auto-Select in the options bar for the Move tool.
~ Jane
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Fala pessoal.
Estou com uma situação que me incomoda as vezes no photoshop (2019 win 10).
Nesse video:
eu começo a seleção ali embaixo como indica a seta, ok?
quando faço isso, perceba que ele já seleciona o garfo com a faca ali no centro,
com a caixa de seleção muito grande. Para que a caixa de seleção fiquei somente
no gardo com a faca, eu preciso movimentar ele um pouco ou dando ctrl + T.
Isso não ocorre sempre, são algumas vezes só, mas que me irrita.
Resumindo, queria saber se tem alguma configuração para desabilitar isso,
pois quando se tem um projeto com muita camadas, grupos, e você tenta selecionar
algo especÃfico, ele acaba pegando alguns objetos que ficam com esse tipo situação.
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I cannot see your video but from reading your description, with the move tool selected, go to the top of the screen and in the options bar uncheck "AutoSelect"
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Dave and I both guessed the same thing: that it sounds like Auto-Select is on. You can see in 0:10 that "Layer 2" gets selected in the Layers panel when you start moving the fork and knife.
Uncheck AutoSelect in the options bar (as we both said) and your issue will be fixed.
~ Jane
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A seleção automática, se eu desativar, ele fica só num objeto, ai pra mudar para outro, eu preciso ir na camada,
poderia ser, mas ainda nao é isso. Como falei la em cima, nao é sempre que isso acontece. Naturalmente,
você seleciona um objeto normal e as vezes acontece dele selecionar com a caixa grande.
Fiz um outro video mais claro para entender:
Lembrando que não são todos os objetos que acontece isso.