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I know that JSON isn't built into ExtendScript but even with the downloaded lib I do not understand how you are supposed to use this?
If I try and use #include in my jsx-file the entire script comes to a halt (nothing gets loaded)
#include "../js/libs/json2.js"
alert("this does not trigger! - script halted on line above");
So what's the approach here? Send the file path from JS to JSX, create a file object and read every line in JSX, returing the file string back to JS and then parse it?
-The JSON -library json2.js can be "included" in the main.js file by running evalFile(pathToFile). I assume this also works in JSX. Thanks goes to Davide Barranca for showing us the way!
-You cannot use #include in the JSX file for Photoshop as this will completely break the execution
-When reading the file, you have to do it all in one go - not line-by-line (see below).
I read the JSON-file incorrectly, which broke JSON.parse()
For some reason I had setup the function that did the reading, t
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I understand that you're referring to an HTML Panel context, am I correct?
If this is the case, yes, include will not work. You have to send the extension's path down to the JSX from the JS, then evaluate json2.js with $.evalFile().
From that point onwards, the JSON object should be available to your extendscript context.
Davide Barranca
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I moved the parsing to the JS file instead but it appears that you can't even use JSON there! JSON is undefined -_-
Why did Adobe make things so bloody complicated?
I put the JSON.parse() inside a try-catch and I'm getting syntax errors (which is weird as I've used several online validators on my JSON code)
Exception:SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
"lolk": [
"icon": "/img/picA.png",
"path": "/scripts/file.a",
"text": "somethingA"
"icon": "/img/picB.png",
"path": "/scripts/file.b",
"text": "somethingB"
"icon": "/img/picC.png",
"path": "/scripts/file.c",
"text": "somethingC"
JSON.parse() seems to be completely broken?
var lol = JSON.parse("{'lolk':'stuff'}"); // Exception:SyntaxError: Unexpected token '
} catch(e) {
alert("Exception:" + e + "\nCould not run JSON.parse()");
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If you want to parse JSON in extendscript, you can use a polyfill. Here's an easy example you can copy/paste: generator-gizmo/rootscript.jsx at master · codearoni/generator-gizmo · GitHub
Just paste that at the top of you extendscript file and you should be good to go.
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-The JSON -library json2.js can be "included" in the main.js file by running evalFile(pathToFile). I assume this also works in JSX. Thanks goes to Davide Barranca for showing us the way!
-You cannot use #include in the JSX file for Photoshop as this will completely break the execution
-When reading the file, you have to do it all in one go - not line-by-line (see below).
I read the JSON-file incorrectly, which broke JSON.parse()
For some reason I had setup the function that did the reading, to read the file row-by-row, like this:
file = new File(filePath);"r", "TEXT");
var fileString = "";
while (!file.eof){
var line = file.readln();
if (fileString.indexOf(line) == -1){
fileString += line;
return fileString;
Which seems to add characters that the parser does not like.
I changed it so that it just reads the entire file
var scriptFile = File(filePath);'r');
var content =;