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I recently reset my preferrences and now I have large empty/gray spaces around each image ...
or other words, I can scroll the image revealing empty space around it / between actual image and an oversized frame.
I can't fugure out which setting makes frames go tightly around the image again.
Help very much appreciated.
PS 24.4.1 - Wind 11
Hi @Klaus5F8D go to Preferences/Tools and uncheck "Overscroll"
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Hi @Klaus5F8D can you share a screenshot explaining your situation - when you mean "large empty gray spaces" do you mean the pasteboard outside the canvas? You can turn off tabs and have your images in floating windows if you want to remove that.
Go to Preferences > Workspace and uncheck Open Documents as Tabs.
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Hi Kevin, again 🙂
I'm not at the computer in question right now but please see screenshot.
But I'm absokutely sure I don't have "Open In Tabs" checked - never do
But I'll check it again when I'm back to home machine.
To explain again/better: the usual frame around an image (as in screenshot) has scrolling bars and a lot of empty
space reveals beyond the image.
I will supply an original screenshot of the issue shortly when Im back at the machine in question.
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Hi @Klaus5F8D that is a floating window and the area you are pointing to is the document title bar. You can use the same preference to change your documents back to tabs which is what you seem to be describing.
Also if you hit the "F" key you can switch to full screen view which elminates the document title bar.
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I know the three options in view - that's not the problem.
I'm only talking about the first / rgular view with the Window/ frame.
The other two views (hitting "F") are normal.
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Go to Preferences > Workspace and check Open Documents as Tabs.
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Hi Kevin,
I NEVER had tabs on ... don't like it at all ... and does not address the issue.
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Hi Kevin, here are the screenshots from the machine in question - problem ocurred after reset / re-download recently.
Anything to do with scroll settings?
Again - in normal view (standard screen mode) there should be a frame around the image (as it is) BUT without scrolling (beyond the image!!)
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Hi @Klaus5F8D go to Preferences/Tools and uncheck "Overscroll"
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Found the Solution!
"Overscrolling" must be unchecked. Must have overlooked it after re-install.
Makes you wonder why this useless scrolling into empty space is the default...??
Anyways, thanks all, especially Kevin, for the effort.
I'll make screenshots of all preferrences pages as referrence for the future.
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For some context - Overscroll allows you to move an image to center any area for focus.
Example - you want to retouch the lower right corner of your image and want it on center screen - overscroll would allow you to move it to the center without moving the entire project window.
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I see your point.
However, I usually do this / have the same effect just by going to Full Screen Mode with menu bar "F", whci is my uusual screen mode anyways.
Nevertheless - thanks for your attention and support.