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I have just updated Photoshop to v22.3 (10 March 2021). When I try to use the Pen Tool it puts the nodes in but doesn't create a linking line. I have closed everything and re-started my PC but the error still there. I've been trying to find a way to report this to Adobe but this is the only feedback area I can find. I have been using Photoshop for over 20 years and using the Pen Tool all that time. I need to complete a job but I'm now stuck as I need this tool.
Can I uninstall this update?
Anyone else having this problem?
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There's another (new) issue with paths: I cannot create a path unless I first switch from shape to path and back. Otherwise I just get a bunch of unconnected path components.
Screencast of the issue (100% repeatable every time on my machine).
Also, it seems to me that I see a lot more spinning beachball when using the latest version PS CC instead of 2019 but, since I need to get work done, I haven't been using 2021 a lot…
Back to PS CC 2019 for me, I guess. Again.
OSX 10.14.6
Mac Pro (Mid 2010)
3,33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
48 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 7970 3 GB
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I have the same issue here for Photoshop CC 22.3.0, rubber band option and connecting lines not showing as before on Mac 10.15.7 Catalina. Advanced Graphics Processor Settings on Drawing Mode.
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The proposed workaround does indeed work perfectly fine. And to be honest it's even a rather easy workaround. Nonetheless I do want to emphasize that the number of severe bugs is growing and growing. And paths are one of THE most essential tools in Photoshop. So this annoys a lot of us many times a day. Please fix this within days or weeks not months.
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I also stumbled across the problem today. From now on I will ignore any Adobe updates. It can't be that with every update the programm has new bug. I don't understand why this is not tested properly internally. Now I seriously have to uninstall my Photoshop and install an old version?
Please, before you release the next update, test it. What I also don't find cool is that I now have to set up a test machine for every update in order to avoid such problems in production. Think about when this happens in an agency with many computers. The whole department is paralysed for some time.
Please excuse me for writing in such a testy manner, but I had the problem once before that the path tool did not work properly and Photoshop always crashed and it cost me some nerves until the problem was solved. I am just tense!
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COMON ADOBE! This is fundamental tools complete ballsup!
I'm in the middle of a big really complicated path tool cutout & retouch job .
First today had to update to 22.3 from 21.1 because the line tool would not show field to set fill px size. Read that is was a bug and to update to 22.3.
Fixed line tool , but now I'm completely stuck as I need to draw hundreds of complicated paths. , and will continue to need to use line tool.
As someone mentioned so many basic bugs the last couple of years, that have cost me time and money on jobs trying to solve Adobe problems.
Could I offer to be a beta tester , please?
Adobe you really need pro retouchers to test the most needed tools and smooth operation, who can stress test things to the max with 100 layer 30GB comps of each release.
There's many of us that that is standard, and need PS to be fast and flawless.
Back to cc 2019 for the time being.. which BTW still has a huge bug
If you are using Rulers visible then it makes it unusable, when using clone or brushes or masking. There is a huge delay and jumping problem with brush input moves/ strokes.
Thank you
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Exact same issue here. Fire the person responsible for this. I use this software to make my living and bugs like this are completely unacceptable. The pen tool is one of the oldest and most important tools in PS for many of us. Again... unacceptable that this made it out of beta and into the official release.
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Good grief. Another PS update and another fundamental bug with one of the oldest and most important tools.
Bug - when a new path is created and the user begins to draw a path, the path points are being created as single points and not a connected path. If a workpath is used then the tool behaves as expected.
I'll say it yet again... Adobe stop breaking things. Again, many people use this software (and pay a lot for it) to make a living like me. Stop breaking tools that aren't broken. If you change something then really make sure it works before releasing it.
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I'm having the same issue and will go back to 22.2 until there's a fix.
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Im having this problem to on Windows 10 pro v2004
Went back to 22.2. no problem there.
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Just updated my photoshop to v22.3 and started using the path tool.
Noticed that if i renamed the path layer from its original name ”work path” (Arbetsbana in my Swedish version) to lets say 1 or 2 the path points i made after would no longer connect. If i rename the layer back to Work path/Arbetsbana the points will be able to connect normally again .
Is this a known bug?
Edit: Reverted back to 22.2. Problem does not exist in 22.2
Windows 10 pro v2004
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Yes, this is a HUGE issue for those of us who depend on making dozens, if not hundreds of paths per day.
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just installed new OSx and Photoshop update, continued job where path is required and now when i start new path it just makes 1 point, when i click next point it doesn't connect both points but makes new path with every click instead of connecting all point making a path, which is obvious a bug. Also happens when i want to continue or add to existing paths. Checked it many times, restarted both software and hardware still is there. When i switch from path to shape mode it works fine, that delete shape because i need path and back to path mode it suddenly works ok again until i want to start new path. Please fix this asap i have work to do.
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Possible Workaround: Create the Path before using the Pen Tool.
Edit: Sorry, I cannot reproduce this workaround reliably anymore, may have been a fluke or an error on my side.
Edit 2: The existence of a Work Path seems to make the difference when working on regular Paths.
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Do Adobe monitor this feed?
Yes, this page is officially being monitored.
I think with a bugs like this one there is a decent chance that it might be addressed within one or two dot-releases (which might mean some weeks or months), but there are no guarantees.
I need to complete a job but I'm now stuck as I need this tool.
You can roll back as sam2586 mentioned.
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I can confirm a Pen Tool misbehaviour after the first Path (Photoshop 22.3.0 on MacOS 10.15.7).
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Same here. Just points instead of path. When I quit and open same document, same thing. Just downgrading to 22.2.
You can downgrade in the Creative Cloud app go to All Apps, Photoshop and then the 3 dots on the right.
To anyone tempted to try 22.3 - DO NOT upgrade on production machine as the pen tool stops working 😂
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To install an old version. Go to the Creative Cloud app click on the 3 dots on the far right of the Photoshop row. It should give a selection called "other versions" from there you should be able to install previous versions of Photoshop. Cheers.
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Ya you are correct david when i am trying to add a point with pen tool it doesnt show the point.after clicking many times it shows it.and also while tranforming inbetween the transform controls are disappeared and when i click on it once it comes back and same continues.anyone knows whats the problem???
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I had exact same problem. Running an external screen from my labtop pc. The screen was connected trough an external dock. I realized from my Photoshop Preference Performance tab that photoshop was not using my graphic card but the onbord graphic processor. I changed the indput to have a display port cable directly from my pc to the screen and now i use the graphic card to run Photoshop and all are back to normal.
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Version 22.4 or version 22.4.2 have not resolved the issue. The anchor points do not show when using the pen tool to create a path. When will this issue be resolved?
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Thanks for the Improved Neural Filters. Loved the enhanced features.
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the problem isn't fixed!
i just downloaded te last update, and it simply
Tell this to the genius around you.
We bought a software to work with it, not to waste our time in forums, installing downloading, uninstalling ang going crazy to follow your ridicolous craving for money.
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Unfortunately 22.4 and 22.4.1 create issues when I use the PEN tool. The nodes and the link lines are invisible making it impossible to use the PEN tool.
It worked fine up and until 22.4.
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Just updated as well 22.4.1, the workaround does not work no matter how many working paths, named paths and whatever other paths, are listed. Having to roll back, I'm glad I still have a CS6 version, no issues there.
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My team has noticed this issue as well. If a path isn't closed when it is saved (ie become a path instead of a work path) then you can't close the path later. Please fix 🙂