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when attempting to open a photo in Photoshop on my HP Laptop, details below, the photo appears in the layers tab bottom right, but not in the workspace /desktop: It is a constant Black / White strobe. The desktop /workspace flashes Black and white
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on ‎24/‎03/‎2021
OS build 19044.2604
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0
1 Correct answer
Hi All,
Apologies for the flashing/strobing you're experiencing when opening files, this tends to affect older graphics cards (GPU) that don't support all of the aspects of DirectX 12.
For Windows:
- Update Photoshop to version 24.5 or later
- Enable the Older GPU Mode option in Preferences > Technology Previews > “Use Older GPU Mode (pre 2016)"
- Check if there's a GPU driver update available and update if so
For macOS:
- Update Photoshop to version 24.5 or later
- Update to a newer or latest ma
1 Pinned Reply
We would like to find out if there are any of you on Windows for whom:
A. Use Older GPU Mode is Checked, and
B. Deactivate Native canvas is Unchecked, and
C. are still experiencing this strobing issue with a GPU that supports DirectX 12?
If so, could you please provide Photoshop's Help > System Info dialog text in this thread?
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
J'ai un soucis sur Photoshop 2023, lorsque que j'ouvre sur nouveau (pour commencer une travail), la page blanche clignote, et malgré avoir désinstallé Photoshop et réinstallé. Ceci me le fait depuis ce matin, de la dernière mise à jour. Quelqu'un saurait à quoi c'est dû?
Merci à toutes et à tous.
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Acabo de actualizar a la versión 24.3 esperando que corrigiera los problemas con la visualización de las reglas y resulta que ahora no muestra las imágenes, saliendo un parpadeo en blanco/negro en su lugar. Antes se podÃa trabajar, ahora ni eso.
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ho installato l'ultima versione di photoshop ma quando apro il programma lo schermo flash on off
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Nach Update von V24.2.1 auf V24.3.0 flackert das Datei-Fenster nach öffnen einer PSD bzw. Datei neu erstellen. Nach downgrade auf V24.2.1 funktioniert PS wieder fehlerfrei. Es lassen sich PSD Dateien öffnen/ neu erstellen und bearbeiten.
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@peterk48491532 this issue seem to be affecting a lot of people, see this related thread, for the time been you may need to revert back to version 24.2.1
Edit: try enabling this option in preferences and restarting Photoshop to see if it helps
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Ce jour, j'ai effectué la mise à jour de Photoshop et depuis dès que j'ouvre mes fichiers le logiciel fait des flashs et n'ouvre pas ces derniers.
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Hej, jag har upptäckt samma problem nu på morgonen när jag öppnade Photoshop och ville öppna några av mina sparade filer!
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Hi All,
Apologies for the flashing/strobing you're experiencing when opening files, this tends to affect older graphics cards (GPU) that don't support all of the aspects of DirectX 12.
For Windows:
- Update Photoshop to version 24.5 or later
- Enable the Older GPU Mode option in Preferences > Technology Previews > “Use Older GPU Mode (pre 2016)"
- Check if there's a GPU driver update available and update if so
For macOS:
- Update Photoshop to version 24.5 or later
- Update to a newer or latest macOS version (to update the GPU driver which accompanies macOS updates)
- Uncheck "Automatic graphics switching" found in System Preferences > Battery > Battery
If you're still having issues after trying these troubleshooting steps, the next recommendation would be to look into updating your graphics card (GPU) to something a bit more modern.
[steps edited to provide clarity per OS]
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Was having same problem (flashing strobe) when trying to open a pic (after download and install of latest update to ps). Enabled "older gpu mode" per instruction in reply by PG. It worked! Thankyou PG.
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Oui, cette action a fonctionné chez moi, sous Windows 10.
Merci Pete.Green
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Thanks! That worked for me too!
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Thanks Pete! I was having the same problem and tried everything I could think of, restarting my laptop, uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop. None of that worked. Your suggestions fixed the problem!
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The "Deactivate Native Canvas" option earlier described by kevin stohlmeyer work for me. Thanks
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Why in the world doesn't Adobe send a note to us poor fking users as soon as an issue is identified and hopefully with a solution????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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This is appalling!!! Suggesting that we need new hardware to support Photoshop as a fix for releasing an update with a major bug. The suggestion to use "Older GPU Mode" doesn't fix the problem. Fortunately, I found somewhere in this forum that "Deactivate Native Canvas" did fix the problem. Shame on Adobe for releasing this.
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"Older GPU Mode" worked for me. It means pre- 2016 GPU, and I verified that my GTX 750 Ti was introduced in 2014. But having this BASIC FUNCTIONAL BUG indicates that Adobe's hardware regression tests don't include common GPUs still in use 😞
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I'm having the same problem. However my OS is windows but in Portuguese and i can't find that path in Portuguese... I am in dispair because i cant use photoshop.
Can you help me telling me how to do it in portugues (portugal) windows 10?
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Issue of flashing strobe on screen. Deactivated Native Canvas and it worked for me.
Using MSI GeForce GT 730 2GB DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 card. Didn't need to use “Older GPU Mode (pre 2016)" mode though. reh...
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This happened to me yesterday after updating to version 23.4. You solution is how the customer service rep guided me to solve the issue. My question is: The GPU on my computer (ANDIVIA GeForce MX110) wasnt released until 2017, why would that fall into the catagory of "pre 2016" version? Thank you