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Ever since updating to the 2025 version, all my pattern folders are missing. Even after reinstating them, they are wiped again when photoshop is reopened. This also periodically happens to my library folders as well. Any ideas?
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What have you done for all-purpose trouble-shooting so far?
Do you mean the Groups in the Patterns Panel or the actual pat-files?
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Other than uninstallation of the application, I can't think of one instance of Photoshop removing a folder. Even when you specify that PS should remove files from your disk, such as when you reset the preferences, no folders are removed. You can even create new folders within the Photoshop directory and PS will leave them alone. So, most likely, the removal of these folders is coming from outside of PS itself.
Maybe a bit more information may help here though. Where are the pattern folders you are referring to? The two I would think of are those with Photoshop itself (stores the defaults) and those in your personal preference directory (for custom presets).