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Patterns and Shape Paths Cause Photoshop 2015 and 2017 to crash [Mac Pro]

Enthusiast ,
Oct 05, 2017 Oct 05, 2017

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Recently I found myself having trouble with Paths in Photoshop. The file I had tested on I simplified down to 2 shape fills, and it still caused 2015 to be extremely slow, slowing photoshop to a halt when editing/transforming paths, and the same file seen below opened in 2017 froze the program completely, and didn't even seem to fully load the file. In troubleshooting, I found that the 876MB of pattern preferences, which contained some large tiles was the culprit of this limitation. Deleting the pattern preference file or patterns from the preset panel restored photoshop's functionality.

Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 10.47.34 AM.png




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Community Expert ,
Oct 05, 2017 Oct 05, 2017

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If Photoshop is crash pleas post the details in the crash report.  Posting your Photoshop menu Help>System Info  copy past here may be helpful.    Pattern do not have Paths unless you are using a shape layer that has a pattern fill.  What is the Image window with guide line you posted   for to show us you have a very large portrait canvas size. 22,000 pixel high.   that is a lot of pixel to work with.  You in the area of 200MP layers can be like 600MB in data structures.  Why are you working with that many pixel.  How good are they have you stitched many images together?  What hardware do you use.  You will need a very high end machine to process that many pixels how many layer do your normally use.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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I'm not sure a crash report would help as I had to force the program to quit. I think the culprit is these specific paths having some sort of excess baggage. I loaded the set of patterns again, and created a canvas that was 10000px x 30000px, added a path and had no latency issues. In hoping it was document ancestors I scrubbed them from the problem file, but still experienced the issues. As a size test again, I scaled the path down to 100px x 400px(which took about 5 minutes), changed the size of the document to 100px x 400px and the latency issue still exists. The problem file contains only 2 paths and 1 raster layer. The raster layer can be selected no problem, but the rectangle path layers require a lot of thinking. I'm on a  Mac Pro(Late 2013) 6-Core intel Xeon 3.5GHz 16GB DDR3 ECC 1866MHz RAM across 4 DIMMs with an AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB Graphics Card.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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A path has no pixels just some math data. A canvas 10,000px by 30,000px means the background canvas has 300,000,000 pixels if the  document color space is ProhotoRGB 6bit color depth it  means the Pixels color data is 1,800,000,000bytes  If you start adding layes and fill the with a pattern you have layers that need to be blended together if you 5 layers to blend the  is 5 x 1,800,000,000 = 9GB the a lot of bytes to deal with.  Here I created a document that size and added 5 layers. When tried to distort one  I receiver a massage that I need more ram. So I look at the windows task manger and resource manager to see how my machine resources were being used.  I saw that my machine still had 12GB of RAM free and Photoshop was using 22GB. Your machine has what 16GB of RAM you are asking a lot from your machine.   My machine has 40GB of RAM and can not handle that document.






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Enthusiast ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Yes. The path I have should simply be an array of of coordinates,  something the effect of [[0,0],[10000,0],[10000,30000],[0,30000]], not necessarily in that order I don’t have scripting reference in front of me. Both documents contain paths, and my problem file still is only filled with a color, not a pattern, which is why I’m thinking there must be some hidden data that’s causing the path transformation to choke. As far a resources go, mac processes differently, and never complains about being out of RAM, like PC does for Photoshop, although it can occasionally for Illustrator with extremely complicated vector files, or cutting and pasting into Photoshop, but if I recall that’s still a message thrown from Illustrator. Only other error that may be thrown over resources is over scratch disks, which is thrown by finder and caused by Photoshop filling up the disks with temp data. As I mentioned I sized the problem file down to 100px x 400px and it still screeched to a halt. Only common thread here is the pattern swatch file from my preferences, I’m thinking there may be resource management issues from the newer fill, stroke and multiple layer effects features.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 10, 2017 Oct 10, 2017

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You wrote you scaled the path down. Path do not have pixels. They have data the describes the math to use to draw the path.   If you did not change the canvas size down your layers if canvas size will contain 300,000,000pixels if you fill a layer with a pattern.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 10, 2017 Oct 10, 2017

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Path and canvas were scaled down to 100px x 400px, same lag issues when those patterns were loaded.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 11, 2017 Oct 11, 2017

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Maybe some Mac user can help you. Your machine should be able to perform well on documents that size. It may bet the files and patterns you are using.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 18, 2017 Oct 18, 2017

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Agreed. Seems like a bit of a fluke, wanted to add to the forums as it's an odd one.




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