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Just updates to Photoshop CC and I am having a problem with the pen tool. In CS6, if you made two point, and then added a point between them you could immediately move the middle point. Now in CC you must move your mouse off the point and back on for it to recognize it. There is a video of the problem at this link:
Any sugegstions? I've tried trashing my preferences (shift alt option on startup) and it did nothing.
We are aware of path delay issues as well as the inability to set the intersection prior to path creation. Sorry for any inconvenience these issues are causing.
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For me, If I do the same as in your video (clicking and then dragging in the middle of the path) the pentool proceeds to drag out a bezier handle to give me an 's' curved line.
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Oops, sorry I didn't clarify. Once I add that center point I am pressing Command (on a mac here) and attempting to move the point. It won't work in CC unless I move my mouse completely off the point and them back onto it and click it.
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I have to click (to add point) and release mouse button, then hold down cmd and click/drag the point. To be honest I have never tried your way in my workflow.
Is there anything in the top tool bar for pen settings that is any different? - I can't see any setting that will make the cursor operate differntly.
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So, what I am trying to do in CC (and this previously worked in CS6) is:
Make a path consisting of two points.
Click in the center of those two and make a third point.
Release the mouse,
Hold down Control (without moving the mouse off the point),
Click, and drag the point.
In CC, it now does:
Make a path consisting of two points.
Click in the center of those two and make a third point.
Release the mouse,
Move the mouse away from the point and back onto it
Hold down Control,
Click, and drag the point.
This seems weird and like an extra step for no reason.
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I can do it without moving the mouse away from the newly created point. Then pressing CMD (curser changes to white arrow) I can drag the point away.
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Okay, so I downloaded CS6 and was in the process of recording video when I figured out another part to this. In CS6 it works flawlessly. In CC, there is a 1-2 second delay from when you press command to when you can move the point, as seen in this video:
So, if you try to move it immediately after pressing the command key it gets "stuck" in place. But if you wait a second it moves. This definitely seems like a bug, but the next step is to see if my home computer has this issue too.
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I concur, it does get stuck if you are REALLY quick when trying to move it. (i'm trying this on my laptop, I would normally be using a wacom pen, it might not be able to be as quick as a mouse click
Those tiny little things can be verry annoying if it's changed in a way that you are used to in your workflow. Hope you can live with it somehow.
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It is quite annoying. Hoping to get someone on the staff to notice this and see if anything can be done about this, because I use the pen tool every single day at work.
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Nathanalf, use the spacebar to move it as you draw, it's much more convenient!
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Nathanalf, i'm having the same problem with yours. It driving me crazy, but all i can do is waiting for them to fix this. Thank you for reporting that bug.
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Glad to see that it's not only me. Hopefully someone at Adobe sees this and fixes it!
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Same problem on Windows 8 64-bit. Yesterday I had installed Photoshop CC for speeding up my current project (remove background with pen tool for about 200 products) and it was step back. Black flickering when hand tool used and little delay when adding, or moving pen points. Right now I tried to add new, better graphics card. Flickering is gone, but pen tool bug remains.
It's terrible! On other side, camera raw on layers is time saving feature!
i7 2600K@3.9 GHz, 16 GB RAM 1600 MHz, SSD disk 500 MB/s R/W... Normally I am using CPU GPU Intel 3000, but today I tried NVidia GTX 650Ti 2 GB VRAM.
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This bug is also present in the latest cs6 update But it absent in CS6 13.1.2.
Furthermore, in 13.1.2. there is a bug with selection when OpenGL is off.
In PS 14.0 (CC) there are all this bugs present.
Plus they changed the behavior of pentool. When no path is present yet, i cant select the mode in which the new path will be drawn. Plus the keys "+"
and "-" change the mode of current selected subpath and have no effect to the dropdown switch of pentool mode.
It is impossible to use PS CC because of this. So I am useing CS6 - the most stable version on win7.
p/s. my english is too bad((
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It seems as if there are a lot of things changed with the pen tool and paths ( so I hope this is just a bug that has a fix in the works. For the moment I am back on the Creative Cloud version of PS6. It kept feeling like the software was limiting how fast I could work with this bug...
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We are aware of path delay issues as well as the inability to set the intersection prior to path creation. Sorry for any inconvenience these issues are causing.
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Very happy to hear it's a known issue. Hopefully we will see a fix soon!
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Is there an ETA for a fix? This bug makes CC entirely unusable for me, it's far too frustrating.
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Hope my english will be understood:
This Pen-Tool-bug makes PS CC nearly entirely unusable for me too!!! (..AND THERE ARE OTHER ISSUES IN THE PROGRAM...) But I'm still paying for it every month till it maybe will be corrected!?????
1. The PS CC was wery difficult to download. The same goes for some of my (clever) colleges.
2. The Adobe Online-help did NOT answer my very simple and short question!!
3. The online help has earlier shown a shocking lack of knowledge to the Photoshop-program. Wholesaledealers in my country had the exactly same experience on the same problems!! (*"WE DON'T KNOW, BUT ARE THERE OTHER THINGS WE CAN DO FOR YOU??")
I still love what Photoshop was, and I hope my love will come again if PS CC is going to work proberly!!
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Sill no fix? I just switched from CS6 to CC via the for photographers -program and noticed this wonderful lag.. I mean what the hell, who is testing this software? Horrible, just horrible. I'm glad I still have older licences to use at work.
Please, Adobe. I'm now paying for this service every month. Make it worth my while?
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After newest updates I have no this problem anymore. All is O.K.
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JurajVT wrote:
After newest updates I have no this problem anymore. All is O.K.
What is the "newest updates" for you? And what is your OS? I have this lag on PS,, 13.1.2 an on 14.1.2 on windows7.
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Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.1.2 (14.1.2 20130923.r.427 2013/09/23:23:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit
Version: 6.2
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 4
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 3410 MHz
Built-in memory: 16367 MB
Free memory: 9344 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 14671 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 54 %
Image tile size: 1024K
Image cache levels: 4
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1050, right=1680
OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
gpu[0].Renderer="GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2"
gpu[0].Vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
gpu[0].glGetString[GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION]="4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler"
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JurajVT, glad for you. But i still have this lag bug even on 14.1.2 ps on win7(x86). On ps there is no any lags. BUT(!). You can reproduce a similar lag (not such strong) when you create a file e.g. 4000x4000 or larger then turn on View->Show->Layer Egdes and then try to do something with pen tool.
p.s. ADOBE, psz, make the FIX!
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I tried it right now.
NEF file 26 MB (in Photoshop 62 MB), 6016 x 4016 px, turned on Layer Edges, 150 % zoom, no delays (lags).
I am sorry, that you have still these problems.