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Photoshop 2020 running slow

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Nov 06, 2019 Nov 06, 2019

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My Adobe Photoshop auto-updated for me this morning (yay!) but as I have been using it throughout the day, it has started to lag. At this point I wasn't even able to make a selection without having to wait 10 minutes (approximately) before it was ready to move on to the next step. Is there a reason it's running so slow?




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New Here ,
Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Thank everyone including adamt18510785 for their replies for a certain solution!!!


This solution has solved my issue. Everything runs x20 faster, its so smooth with less memory usage. I cannot state the solution, as these replies are getting del*eted in this thread. I would never have considered it had it not been for this thread. 




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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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I see my reply was deleted but, yes AP does have smart objects




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Explorer ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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Agree completely.  ADOBE  has figured out how TO GET US TO work for it.    Giant Ponzi scheme.


Only way to work around it is to recognize that we are PS addicts and either quit or deal wBR & PS do REALLY SUCK r tho.


I got so fed up with BR crashing and PS slowing down I finally called ADOBE for Tech Support.  The first guy I spoke with actually had a paper manual nearby because I could hear him flipping pages while he looked up the issues I had told him about.  Then he put me on hold as he asked someone else to show him where to look. 


I gave up when he asked to have control of my computer.  NO WAY was I gonna let him loose there!


Called Back the next day and asked to be connected to a Supervisor.  THE NEXT DAY I got a callback from one and was told that the problem was with MY Win10. 


So, I called DELL and we spent HOURS > actually DAYS digging thru all of WIN10 in this machine.  NO PROBLEM/no bugs/ALL up to date & NO hardware issues.  Then that ADOBE guy called me back after I e-mailed him to tell me it was my monitors... that HIS dual monitor set worked just fine with HIS version of PS (which was mine too).


I tried it his way and ALL my other apps got out of whack (regardless of how often I dragged them to the 'other screen' so I reverted to the original settings that have always worked for ALL earlier BR & PS versions. 


He kept insisting that it was not logical that I was having this issue when HE WASN'T. 


WELL, duh!  Of course his system would work because he only had BR & PS in it and was working from within ADOBE.


I gave up, reverted to BR 2019 and now my PS 2020 has begun lagging & gulping etc. 


I just looked online for a 'fix' and found one that does sorta help:


HOW TO Speed up some of this:

IN PHOTOSHOP:  Choose Edit > Preferences >(Windows) or Photoshop >Preferences > Performance (macOs).  Select legacy Compositing.  Quit and relaunch Photoshop. 


To conclude:  COREL >>> Please for god's sake get with it and drive ADOBE out of business by producing a program set that really can compete!





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New Here ,
Apr 20, 2020 Apr 20, 2020

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That's really great, thank you!

It's much faster than before and my computer is not so powerful as yours, (just 8Gb RAM) and I was thinking that it was my computer's issue.

I just tried to open a file that is 17282x11202 Pixels 300dpi, 2.37Gb and I waited 2 seconds. Usually it took minutes and often I couldn't open it at all.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 26, 2020 Apr 26, 2020

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Using Legacy Compositing did nothing for me.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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Same problem here. The latest update in March 2020 has killed me. Magic wand tool doesn't work, previews don't work, very laggy, glitchy, slow... This is very bad. Currently unusable... What happened? I need photoshop back. My machine is plenty capable. Brand-new last year most expensive model Lenovo sells with upgrades.




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Contributor ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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everyone's solution so far has been to buy AP it's half off now during the quarantine.  So use that till they fix PS




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 07, 2020 Apr 07, 2020

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Crap I was hoping to get an answer to the same problem and here I am in Support hell with all my friends.  I literally had to dust off an old mak that was running a super old version of Photoshop to get some time-sensitive work finished. HEY ADOBE pull your head out...lack of oxygen is making you stupid!




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 19, 2020 Apr 19, 2020

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I have the same problem with PS 2020.
After 5 minutes of use PS becomes so slow a simple nudge operation (on a very small file with 2 layers) takes few minutes!!!
This is on PC with windows 10 32gb of ram and gtx 980.

Lucky for me I don't pay for this s**t because I get it from work, but unlucky for me I can not work with anything else because my company use Creaticve Cloud (why i don't know)

Adobe, I hate you and hope you go bankrupt
(to the actual devs I love you and hope yo will find a job if that happens)
To the Adobe corporate suites, if only I could write what I think of you (it's not good)
and I wish all kind of bad things.

And one last thing (I need to vent) Adobe you are killing your own company.
You think you will survive for ever? look at kodak lol, your end is near if you keep this s**t




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 19, 2020 Apr 19, 2020

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And I thought it was just me. I am new to PS, bought into an online class. Mask/brushes are beyond slow....and are deleting pixels when trying to mask an image. Going to be impossible for me to learn this program. I knew signing up for the CC program was going to be a mistake. I still have my perpetual license LR around somewhere. I know they stopped offering updates...and did some gutting of the program...but why should I pay for the CC program when a large poertion of it is simply unuseable?




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New Here ,
Apr 21, 2020 Apr 21, 2020

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Same issues here. I've been Adobe customer since Creative Suite 5 and it has never been this bad. 


Worst thing is that you have to pay for CC and still have to use last version from last year. What are we paying for, Adobe ?






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New Here ,
Apr 29, 2020 Apr 29, 2020

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This Photoshop 2020 is so damn buggy and slow, unbelievable.

Running it on a 2 year old AMD Threadripper (16 cores/32 threads), 32Gig RAM, Nvidia 1070Ti. 32" 4k Monitor. And it's slow as hell! And besides of that: Buggy as hell!


I really wonder if Adobe has kind of an QA department. It's unbelievable that such a buggy and slow version has made it to a final release version.

I rolled back to 2019 version and it's unbelievable how much faster it is! Also: Easy to spot bugs like rulers not visible, selections not working, the whole canvas gets messed up while paning (on large resolutions) should be at least the most important things to check for an QA department before release. Besides crashes while it's saving my work. Or should i say while it's NOT saving my work.

And why Adobe thinks it's a good idea to completely change 20 year old shortcuts comes on top of that.


So there can only be two reasons for that: There is no QA department at Adobe. OR (more likely): They are well aware of the problems the new Photoshop version has, but releasing it anyway...poooping on their customers, because they will get paid anyway every month. So they do not need to care anymore.




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Apr 29, 2020 Apr 29, 2020

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I have a feeling that PS has an issue with the Ryzen processors. Both my Ryzen 9 and Ryzen 7 have issues with this program. 




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Participant ,
Apr 30, 2020 Apr 30, 2020

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It's not your CPUs, I have i7 6700k and it's running like a potato, back to PS2019.




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New Here ,
May 01, 2020 May 01, 2020

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I just want to add my name to the list of users experiencing extremely slow hang ups.  First time purchasing a subscription to CC (Photoshop, Ligthroom, InDesign, and Bridge) and ALL of the apps are super slow.  Anybody else have other creative ecosystems to invest in?  I'm feeling like I got dupped here...


"Amazing features!"..."Bring your imagination to life!"...pay for service, install applications:  all duds.  WTF.



MacOS Catalina

Macbook Pro (13-inch, mid 2012)

Processor:  2.9 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7

Memory:  8 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3

Graphics:  Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB




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New Here ,
May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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Photoshop CC 2020 is plain horrible. It's a beast. This is my first time upgrading to Photoshop after years of using CS5 (an oldie but goodie) and I never had a problem loading layer-heavy files. Now I have to shut it down time after time just to make smallest of changes to my files. I can't cope, seriously. I've had Adobe Support checkout my set up out remotely about 3 times and they just gave up and installed 2018, which works a bit better, but is still much slower than all the older versions. Such a waste of money. So disappointed. Grrrr....




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Contributor ,
May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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Welcome to the party, the solutions we found have been to go back to 2018/2019 or get affinity photo for 20 bucks




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Community Beginner ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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Just figured I'd add another voice to this party and help bump this up. Over 6 month's and Photoshop CC 2020 is still running terrible. I had hoped the latest v21.1.3 would fix things but it has not. I've reinstalled it several times and nothing. 


My system is no slouch. Its Photoshop....

Windows 10 Pro 18363.836

Intel i7 9700KF 3.6Ghz

64 GB Ram





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New Here ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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Same here - went back to the old version last week after getting sick of the lag and its like having a new PC - wont be coming back to the new version until they sort it - seriously considering trying to switch to Affinity.




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Explorer ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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Hi there,


Below are the specs of my PC. Slightly less powerful than yours but I have no issues as described by you or others, even though I am working with very large files.

I am not sure if you are using a scratch disk, but this may solve the issue? I've an external SSD 1TB hard-drive, which is only used a sratch disk for Photoshop and Illustrator. Sure, the 1TB are not needed at all, but they don't cost any money nowadays, so...

MS Windows 10 Home, 18363
i7-8700K CPU 3.70GHz


Hope this helps.





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Community Beginner ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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Thanks for responding! I neglected to point out my scratch disk setup. I'm currently using my M.2 NVMe SSD for my scratch disk. Its by far fast enough as a scratch disk for Photoshop. But, again thanks for the suggestion anyway!


To your point about not having issues. It seems like this is not on every install on every system. There's seems to be plenty of people like yourself without any issues. Even my laptop which is a 2014 15" MacBook Pro with far lower specs than my PC is using Photoshop just fine. Sure its a little slow in places I'd epect a 6 year old laptop to be. But the PC hangs on selecting the lasso tool. Mind you, not use, just select it. That sort of thing. It's odd for sure!




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Explorer ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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That is really odd, indeed! Well, hopefully that's something to be fixed soon! Just keep nagging and open forum posts and if everybody is doing so, it will draw enough attention? Do you know about https://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family ? Post in there, too!

I had the issue that my brushes, styles and tools panel was reset upon every start. This was fixed eventuelly with the latest update, still took them over a year though. But I think voices good too loud in the last couple of months, they just couldn't ignore it any longer.


All the best.





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Explorer ,
May 29, 2020 May 29, 2020

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Janine - many thanks! for that link to PS Family... Just went there and it looks as if  I might find more info.   Will keep you all posted >> Hopefully I will find more answers and hopefully ADOBE will keep working on the fixes instead of creating more bugs.




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Community Beginner ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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Installed V21.1.3 few days back, was of 0 help to me. I know very little about PS and have given up trying to learn anything in it. Impossible to learn a program when it is as buggy as PS. I recently installed Luminar 4 (think it was on sale for 50% off) and Affinity. Thing is I have a very short comprehension span so learning any of these programs is probably not going to happen. Really annoys me that I am paying Adobe $$ monthly and only using a portion of what I ampaying for. If I could find the last patch that Adobe offered for the licensed LR I would gladly go back to it...and cancel my Cloud account when it comes up for renewal. I very well may just put some time into trying to learn one of the other programs and use it in place of LR.




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Explorer ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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Hi Robert, Doug, Janine et al >>> Well, here it is about 6 MONTHS later and we are ALL experiencing pretty much the same problems with our Adobe BR, LR, PS ... lagging, lurching, hanging up... (I refer to Adobe products, not us). 


WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE TO GET ADOBE'S ATTENTION?   We are acting like addicts begging for a fix of the good stuff >>> BUT STILL BUYING the toxic goods.  Hmmmmm.


Adobe has NO incentive to fix anything as long as we keep supporting it.  Right now I have to use BR 2019 to access PS 2020 because BR will NOT WORK RIGHT in my computer... and the other day BR 2019 AND PS 2020 began HANGING UP & lurching again... I've called and talked to Adobe Techs in India til I am blue in the face and more than a bit pissed off.  One tech listened to my issue and then told me the only way to fix it was via the register of my computer and could he please have access!    Well, Duh!  NO WAY!    Then he looked something up in his system and pronounced that this was a WIN10 issue.  NO IT IS NOT.  Nor is it a Dell Computer problem.  I use a Precision 3620 and it works like a charm.  I've gone thru it with a Dell Tech several times and my computer is fine.  IF it is a WIN 10 issue then ADOBE needs to work it out with Windows developers NOT foist their poorly developed programs. 


So > Yes, Dear ADOBE>>> It may be that YOU are NOT interfacing correctly with WIN 10 > NOT the other way around. 


When I asked to speak with a Tech Supervisor > someone who might possibly know a bit more, I got a call THE NEXT DAY from a guy who proceeded to tell me that my "Issues are not real because they were 'NOT LOGICAL'".  When I asked what he meant, he said that  BR and PS worked in HIS computer SO they HAD to work in mine. 


???  THAT IS NOT LOGICAL, dude!   


It's not only me.  Everyone in this forum experiences the same or similar issues and we all have different computer configurations... THEREFORE it is ADOBE that is not acclimating to us.  That's ADOBE's job.  THAT's what we PAY IT FOR!


What I suggest to ADOBE is that the developers go back into each program and FIX most of the bells and many of the whistles BEFORE adding anything else to the recipe.  Right now they've got a real mess of a MUD PIE on their hands. 


Sorry for the bad metaphores BUT honestly,  I am almost > ALMOST at the breaking point ... So it is really looking like my personal choice is to quit ALL ADOBE and go back to pen, pencil, ink, paint, and my old woodblock carving tools OR ... What?   Keep wasting my money and my even more precious time.


I sincerely doubt anyone from ADOBE ever >>>  EVER reads our messages or these issues would not keep persisting.


Anyone else with an idea how to get thru to ADOBE about this? 


ANYONE WITH A known, SOLID APP REPLACEMENT FOR ADOBE BR, LR, PS etc?    Please let us know!!!




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