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I'm having an issue which is ruining my workflow whereby brushes lose all their form –it seems their presets stop working– when I return to Photoshop after using briefly another app.
For example I'm using a pencil style brush, go visit Safari, return to Photoshop, start drawing again but the brush is now solid black and has no dynamics. It no longer looks like a pencil!
If I go into 'Brush Settings' I can see that Photoshop isn't recognising that I am using a pressure ad tilt sensitive pen as there are warning icons next to Size Jitter' and 'Angle Jitter'.
I have to mess around kill 30 seconds to a minute or two and hopefully the preset settings return to the recognising the Wacom pen and brush settings, then I can work again.
Never had this issue before. Only had it since 21.1 unfortunately reinstalling legacy versions didn't work.
I'm using Mac OS 10.15.4 and latest drivers for Wacom Cintq Pro 24.
Same issue doesn't occur in Affinity so I think it's a Photoshop issue.
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Can you post screenshots with the pertinent Panels visible of before and after the loss?
Something similar was recently reported but there it supposedly was caused by Windows Video Player, so that’s probably not it for you …
Do you have another browser installed (Chrome, …)? Does switching to that also result in a loss of settings?
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Does thsi happen when you use a mouse?
Can you create a brush preset, and check all the boxes.
Please post screenshtos, so we have something to go by, to help you better. You may be swtiching to brush tool from pencil or many a number of other things.
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Thanks for the reply!
Here's the screenshots and here's a link to a video of the issue.
On the left is the brush working as it should, on the right is then the brush misbehaving.
Interestingly it doesn't always bring up a warning icon next to the specific shape dynamics setting.
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Found this thread after I posted:
Other Mac users having same issue.
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Sorry, I don’t understand what you are demonstrating in the video – I did not notice any switch to Safari for example with subsequent settings-loss for the Brush Tool.
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Hi @c_pfaffenbichler,
On the left side of the canvasin the video is where the brush had performed as expected, on the right after returning the same brush with no change of settings or dynamics is producing the thick black lines without angle or size jitter desipite settings of the brush not changing.
I had returned to Photoshop after drawing the initial strokes on the left.
Hope that makes sense.
BTW it can happen away from PS in any app. I come back and the brushes lose all dynamics.
It's the same issue with my own made red brush in the screenshots.
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I had drawn the strokes on the left of the canvas in the video before switching to another app for a minute or two to try and replicate the issue (Didn't want to record that bit as would take a while).
What you see on the right of the canvas is the same brush but the dynamics have stopped working.
Same issue in the 2 screenshots of red brush I created myself.
For some reason Photoshop brushes lose their dynamics or recognition of the pen attributes such as tilt or pressure.
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Hello, what do you mean by reinstalling older versions did not work, did you get an error message, or are you experiencing the same issue?
Do you get to fullscreen with the other application?
Did you ever get the issue in a previous version of Photoshop?
I suggest to search or create a thread on the site, watched by Adobe staff. Make sure to provide as many relevant details as possible.
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I think I may have only gone back as far as Photoshop 21.0
It installed and worked fine but issue reoccured.
I have to admit that I hadn't noticed it before 21.1 not sure whether this is down to Mac OS updates or now using a Wacom Cintiq in the last few months.
I'm going to try and see today if it replicates with Wacom Intuous.
Will search/feedback on thanks.
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Can someone please help with this issue.
I litterally cannot use Photoshop at the moment as I have wasted the last few days trying to fix this issue.
I have removes the Wacom Cintiq preferences and removed the drivers and tried re-installing them.
I have read so many posts online and found fixes for Windows such as this link but nothing for Mac.
I'm completely giving up on Photoshop at this stage and seeing if there's any joy with Wacom.
Having to move all my workflow to Procreate and Affinity. Crazy for the price of Creative Cloud and my Wacom Cintiq!
Any help really appreciated.
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Ok. So issue is persisting even when reverting back to older Wacom Cintiq drivers and older version of Photoshop 21.0.3:
Driver 6.3.38-2 (macOS 10.12 - 10.15) - 96.4 MB